Benjamin Kowalewicz Diary

The 1th July 2007

02.35 pm.

I woke up in a mess. Gerard, Frank and Ian was cleaning the car from empty beer bottles and other stuffs. I started to gather all the trash. We were in Sweden now. In Gothenburg actually. We were staying at an hotel called Elite Park Avenue. It was a nice room. A man helped us to carry our bags into our room, Ian and Jonathan went to the resturant.I set my mobile to ring at 10.00 pm. I fell asleep instant.

My mobile started to ring. I raised up from the bed. Someone knocked on the door. I thought it was Ian, Jon or Aaron, so I opened the door, only in my underwear. When I opened the door I didn’t meet Ian, Jon or Aaron. It was the cleaner. She was beautiful! Not old, my age maybe younger, blond hair and her deep blue eyes, was looking at me like I was nuts. I started to blush and apoligized, putted the “Do not disturb” sign. She said that it was no problem. For her, it was a big problem to me!

I started to get dressed, and went to Ians room. I saw the “Do not disturb” sign was up. Wierd.. Ian never put the sign up. Jonathan came out from his room. He smiled and said:
- Good morning Ben!
- Good Morning Jon!, answered with a tired voice.
- I don’t think you wanna interrup Ian. He said, with a big smile on his face.
- Why not? I asked without knowing anything.
Jonathan smiled and said with a silent voice.
- He did get a girl, tonight.
- What? I didnt belive what he said, Ian and a girl?
- Yea, lets go and eat breakfast, he answered.
- Okey. But you are going to tell me moore!
- Maybe, maybe not, he said with the biggest smile.
- Stop smiling all the time, it’s irretating!

We went down to the resturant and saw an huge buffet, Aaron was witing for us.
I had a big breakfast, and when I was almost done, but then Ian arrived.

- Oh! Isn’t Mr gentlemen!, Jon said with a teasing voice.
- You are just jealous Jon!, Ian answered.
- Maybe, he said and smiled.
- Tell us about her! Aaron said.
- Okey, She’s cool, brown hair, plays in a band acctually! The bands name was.. Sahara Hotnight I think..
- How old is she ? I asked.
- 26, And I’m going to take her to our concert.
- CUTE, Jon almost screamed, I wanna meet her swedisg girls, I mean friends, he said with a smile.
- Her name is Maria Andersson.
- Cool! Ian got a swedish girl! It doesn’t happens everyday!

the day will be continued in the next chapter!