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Suck My Kiss

We're Not Gonna Take It

One week later

She wasn't sure of what was going on, but everyone was wearing a sad expression.
"Happy birthday," her mother muttered.
"Umm, thanks?"
Kibz came down the stairs, his face a mask of what he usually is: happy. "Happy birthday," he practically growled, glaring at Mother.
"Anyone want to-"
Kiba's hand shot to her mouth, covering it. "Shut up," he hissed.
Their mother started bawling.
"I don't like this side of you," Poppy growled.
"Yeah? Well get used to it."
Tears came to her eyes as she imagined her big brother, her protector, being like this forever. "I don't get it," she muttered.

Kiba mentally slapped himself. "Ah, God, I've hurt you."
"No, no, I'm fine." She dodged her brother as he went to grab her.
"Little Sister; don't lie. I can see right through you."
"No," she said, "you're not my brother. You've c-changed. My brother has always been happy. Never has he worried about anything. Or even told me to shut up; never."
Kiba flinched. "I'm sorry, Little Sister. I guess I'm just...stressed. Please forgive me. I love you. Really, I do. But it's all their fault." He turned to Mother when he said that and she started wailing.
"I'm sorry, my children. So sorry."

Poppy had never heard her brother tell her that he loved her. As soon as he had said it, she knew that he had meant it. "I lo-"
The door burst open and Kibz shoved her behind him.
"I'm here!"
"Why now?" her mother wailed.
"I never told you when I'd be here, just what day I'd show up. Now, now, where is the beautiful Vixen?"
She flinched, but stepped away from her brother. "Why are you here? Who are you?"
"My, my, didn't they tell you anything, my dear?"
Her mind screamed run, but she didn't budge. "No."
"Your father sold you to me before you were born!" He chuckled. "You and your,"--Vixen knew what he was going to say; or so she thought-"brothers."
Vixen sputtered. "Brothers?!"
"Yes. You have a twin and the other is his twin. So, why don't you both come along?"
"Oh, no he's here, isn't he..." Her dad stopped at the doorway, staring in horror. "No! You told them!"
Both Vixen and Kiba were glaring at Father, their eyes cold, but hearts aching.
Vixen stepped forward. "Dad. How-how could you? You said I was your little girl, but you-you sold me. To another man!"
Her father looked away. "I had to."
"Because you are my children. You didn't tell them, Margarette?"
"I-I could not." Her face flamed red.
"Tell us what?" asked Vixen.
The guy grinned, flashing a set of fangs. "I raped your morther. You see, your father used to be gay, so he got fixed. Your mother wanted children for so long, so I gave that to her; only to take them away. You've made such a mistake, Margarette,"-he stepped forward-"marrying that. That human." He smiled. "So your father sold you because you weren't his children. He wanted to do abortion, but your poor mother wouldn't let them do anything to you children. Your mother was a smart one, Child." He walked forward until he stood in front of Vixen. "So beautiful," he said, stroking her cheek.
"Yes, Child?"
Kiba nudged her.
"Get away from me!" She jumped back, clinging to Kiba, burying her face in his shoulder.
His arms wound protectively around her. "Are you going to take us already? Well?"
"So temperamental. Not the Kiba I knew."
"You never knew me and you never will."
"Oh, what a stupid child. You see, I've been watching you and your sister since you were both four and six."
Vixen's heart slammed in her chest. No. It can't be... She looked to her dad. "Dad, please..."
He looked away. "It's true."
"No!" she cried, screaming. She wanted to hid as her real father smirked at her. "Go away," she cried, tears forming in her eyes.
"What's happened?" asked Kibz, a look of pure hatred directed at their father.
"I-I'll tell you later," she whispered, her voice breaking.
Father came forward. "Oh, Child, dear child, what could be wrong?"
"No!" she screamed. "Get away from me! I hate you!"
"Come along, children. We're going back home."
♠ ♠ ♠
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