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Suck My Kiss

If Everyone Cared

Falcon appeared in the middle of an argument. "What the hell is going on?" he bellowed. He then took the time to look over at Rayven, who was talking to some girl. Slowly, he walked over to them. "Who the hell are you?"
"Catelyn Bachalar."
"And why--"
"I am not going through that again. Jeez, how many times are people going to ask me that today?"
Falcon narrowed his eyes and snarled menacingly. "Listen here, bitch. You don't raise your voice at me. Ever. And you won't get hurt."
"Excuse me, Falcon, can I speak to you? Alone?"
"Yeah, sure."
Rayven led Falcon away from everyone. "Please don't yell at her. She just got here from California and she's deathly confused. I'd really appreciate it if you'd be nice to her. At least until she's gone. Please?"
"I'll think about it."
Rayven nodded and went back over to Catelyn.
Without thinking, Catelyn blurted, "He's hot. I want him to be mine."
Rayven took a staggering step back. "No."
"Yes. He will be mine."

Rayven didn't know what to say. Slowly, she turned and went back to where Falcon was. "On second thought, don't."
"Why not?"
Her heart sped up as she cupped Falcon's cheek in her hand and pulled his lips down to hers.
Falcon groaned at the taste of her. Peaches and woman.
His lips forced hers apart and as he tongue roamed her mouth, she moaned, clutching his shoulders.
He pulled back, breathless and amused. Her face was flushed, her fingers and nails digging into his shoulders.
Catelyn suddenly appeared next to them out of nowhere. "Falcon, hi. Sorry about earlier."
"Uh huh," Falcon growled, placing a tender kiss on Rayven's cheek. "What does sh--what's with that look?"
"I. Hate. Her," she growled.
"What are you doing kissing her?" She walked over and put her hands around his neck. "Hey, baby."
Rayven's eyes glowed red as she grabbed Catelyn around the throat. "Get your hands off of him you inconsiderate bitch."
"Nooo," she moaned, trying to get closer to Falcon.
Everything went by in a blur.
Catleyn was on the ground with her throat ripped out and there was blood all over Rayven.
Falcon seemed frozen in place as Rayven placed her bloody hands on Catelyn's hair. She wrenched Catelyn's head up and looked her straight in the eye. In a deadly voice, she said, "Put your hands on him again and this will be laughable compared to what will happen to you then, got it, whore?" She dropped her head and turned to Falcon. "Are you okay, baby?"
Nick and Kiba came around the corner.
"Oh, yes! Kill her!" growled Nick.
"I don't...she didn't...why?"
Nick stepped forward. "Sweetheart, when you have to kill someone, you do it. It's obvious you hate her and that she's a nuisance, so why not get rid of her?"
Rayven jumped. "What?!"
Nick came forward until he was right in front of her. "Kill her."

Reality hit then as Falcon realized that he didn't actually love Rayven as a girlfriend, but a sister. He liked Catelyn. "Oh, God," he muttered, tackling Nick. He turned back and bared his fangs at Rayven. "You harm and you die."
Rayven cocked her head like a dog who's confused. "What?"
"You heard me," he snarled, beating Nick's head into the ground.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's going on here?"

Rayven looked to her left and saw an extremely sexy guy.
He had jet black hair that was down to his shoulders and bangs that hung to the right. His eyes were a teal color with a hint of gray. He was wearing a Pearl Jam t-shirt that hugged his body perfectly, showing a six pack and a pair of black skinny jeans. He was five, eleven, and was skinny, looking about 170 pounds.
"Hello," Rayven said, walking over to him. "Who are you? Nice fight, huh?"
"Blade Particka Black. You?"
"Rayven Vixen Metal." She glanced over at Falcon, who was eying them cautiously. "What?" she growled.
He lifted one shoulder.
"What's going on here?"
"I can't really tell you un--"
"I'm a werewolf," he said immediately as if he knew what she was going to say.
"How di--"
"Mind reading."
"Wow, I w--"
"Wouldn't have guessed. I know. No, really, I do read minds." He eyed her in a way that made her nervous. "Your mind is blocked for some reason. It's like you have a shield up. How is that?"
"I don't know," she said quietly. I do know, but I will not admit it. "Wait...Black?"
A black yearbook suddenly appeared in her hand. She flipped through the pages and found who she was looking for. "Are you related to Kris Black?"
"As a matter of fact, he's my cousin."
"You have the same last name?"
"Yes. That's how it works."
"How w--"
A growl came from the left of her, making her whirl around. "What?"
A guy with blond hair and black eyes appeared in a crouch. He growled, "Brother! Where have you been? You're supposed to be leading our pack!"
"I quit," he growled. "I'm not in your pack anymore. Go get a new leader, Brother."
"What?!" he bellowed, making everyone go silent. "You're no longer leading? How could you do this to us!"
"Now you're blaming this on me? You were the one who drove me out!"
"I did what?!"
"Do you not remember having the pack kill her while you made me watch? Do you realize that I loved her? You drove me out and I hate you for that. Fuck you!"
His brother bit his lip, his eyes full of sorrow. "I did not know this." He turned into his wolf form, looked over at Rayven, and then ran off.
Blade turned to Rayven and sighed. "Family is a pain in the ass."
"Yeah." Her heart ached as she remembered her very first love. Jacob, her best friend. Death had come for him too early.
Jacob hadn't been ugly, but he hadn't been gorgeous either. He wore wire-rimmed black glasses. His black hair had touched his shoulders. He was skinny, with a six pack, and five, seven. Usually, he had wore black, red, or blue. Only once in a while would he wear other colors. He had rarely swore and was really outgoing; he could go up to anyone and tell them what he thought about them. Almost everyone had loved him...except the person who had killed him.

Rayven grinned as Jacob walked up to her and kissed her cheek.
"How are you today? Amazing because I'm here, right? Yeah, I know, I'm magical like that." He put his hands behind his head and smiled. "Want to go to the movies tonight?"
"Sure!" she said excitedly.
"Alright." He placed his lips on hers.
She melted as his tongue intertwined with hers. He's perfect. Tonight I'm going to ask him something.
He pulled back. "I love you."
"I love you, too."
Slowly, he walked away.
That night, Rayven had waited, but he never showed. "I've been stood up." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she took off her dress and curled up in her bed. "Why?" she asked herself. "Why did he stand me up? It's not fair!"
She slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
The next morning as she was walking to school, she vowed that she was going to hurt him just like he had hurt her.
"Where's Jacob?" she asked Emily, her other best friend.
"I dunno."
That day and the next week went by with no sign of Jacob, at least until the third week of him missing.
"We are sorry for the interruption," the principal said on the loud-speaker, "but one of our students, Jacob, hasn't been at school. I'm sure you were all wondering why. I am sorry to say that Jacob was found in St. Anderson park, murdered."
Rayven's eyes widened as reality threatened to choke her.
"If we could have a moment of silence for our loss. Especially for Rayven, who was his girlfriend. Thank you."
A sob wracked her body. I wanted to marry him. Aw, God, why? I loved him more than anything!

In reality, his death had only been five months ago. Yet, she needed him. Needed! "Why?"
"Why what, Rayven?"
She snapped back to reality. "I didn't mean to speak aloud. I'm sorry."
"I swear I know you from somewhere."
She looked up at him. "I realize something. My old boyfriend looks so much like you." Slowly, she studied every one of his features. From his hair, all the way down to his feet, and back up.
"What was your boyfriends name, my dear?"
"Jacob. Jacob Bl--wait! He had a twin!"
Blade looked away and she could see the pain on his face. "He was murdered by my old girlfriend. She is now dead because of my other brother, James. The one you just saw. I loved both of them. So much." He sighed. "I was willing to die for them, but instead...they died for me. You see, Jake died, or was murdered because someone was after me for stealing a member of his pack, but Jake...he-he protected me. I was trying to stop the one guy from killing my brother for something he didn't do, and it didn't work. Of course of my old girlfriend had to step in and ended up killing my brother herself, which then James stepped in and killed her while I killed the other guy.
"Since everyone was wondering what had happened to Jake, I went to the police. Then,"--he paused, taking a breath--"they killed Leanna. I don't know why they killed her, but they did, and I still love her greatly. Leanna had been my current girlfriend at the time."
"And I still love Jakey," she muttered.
"You loved him?"
She gave him a 'duh' stare. "He was my best friend and boyfriend, you know."
"He's never told me," he said quietly.
A long moment passed without any of them talking. "I wish he was still here to comfort me," Rayven finally said.
Blade shot her a look that made her shut up. "You're not the only one grieving," he growled.
He suddenly disappeared.
♠ ♠ ♠
Long chapter. Haha.

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