Courting Bliss

Meet Cecily. Misunderstood and alone, Cecily seeks refuge in the sea and the sea inevitably becomes her hideout from reality. Her escape suffices temporarily, at least as long as she disappears beneath the waves, and while she still may be alone, she can embrace what she perceives to be her true identity without the world's judgment. Her solitude is shattered when she chances upon a boy named Aiden, whose family coincidentally is spending that summer at the same beach as Cecily’s. An indelible attachment develops between Cecily and Aiden because they understand each other’s connection to the sea and deeper need for acceptance. Aiden changes Cecily’s world in the short time that they know each other because he does not judge her for her insecurities and represents hope in the midst of her despair. As the summer’s close quickly approaches, they maintain hope that the relationship that has blossomed in the summer will not wither away as the season fades. Nevertheless, misfortune taints their bliss when a terrible accident changes their world forever; tragedy rudely awakens Cecily to a new pain: living without the one person she believed in. She finds herself more alone than ever before, betrayed by her source of refuge—the sea—and lost without her source of strength—Aiden.