‹ Prequel: Guilty Pleasures
Status: Complete

An Old Beginning

Chapter 23

Naomi leant against the car, watching as Billie paced in front of her.

“It’s over…isn’t it?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

“I’m sorry,” Naomi whispered, feeling the pain that she was causing him.

“Are you two getting back together?”

Naomi glanced at the house, taking a deep breath. “I don’t know,” she said softly, truly not knowing the answer to his question.

Billie nodded, before giving Naomi a hug. She closed her eyes, leaning into the embrace as she fought the tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t give you what you deserve,” she whispered in a choked voice. “You can do so much better than me.”

“I think that’s up for debate,” Billie said with a soft smile. “I would still like to see Michael.”

“Anytime,” Naomi readily agreed, pulling back to look into his eyes. “No matter what happens with the two us, you’re family.”

Billie visibly relaxed. He would miss Naomi, but he knew that she didn’t love him. His biggest fear was that he wouldn’t get to see Michael anymore. “Thank you.”

I havent updated in so long.. So here I go.