Falling for You

BeLIEve Me

(Dougie's POV)
"Are we done yet?" I asked.

"Chill out, mate," said Danny. "I know you want to get home to your girl. We all do but we still have a few things to do. You can go explain things to Jenny later."

I sighed. "Okay." We did the rest of our work, making all of our plans, recording, and stuff. We were finally able to go home a couple hours later. I just wanted to get home so I could explain things to Jenny. "Jenny!" I shouted when I came through the door. I got no answer. "You home?" I still got no answer. I guess she's not. Where could she be? I decided to call Gio. She should know where she is. They were hanging out before. "Gio, do you know where Jenny is? She's not home," I said.

"I'm sorry, Dougie. I don't. I'm sure she's fine. She's probably just cooling off somewhere," she said.

"Thanks, Gio. Bye." I hung up after she said goodbye. I think I know where she could be. I remember she would always like to go to this certain place whenever she was upset.

I got out of my car when I got there and I started to walk into the woods until I came up to an open field. I saw Jenny and she was sitting down with her back facing me. "Jenny," I said. She turned around to look at me and she got up. She started to walk away from me. "Jenny, wait!" I followed her.

"Go away, Dougie!" she said.

"Just listen to me!"

She stopped walking and turned around to face me. Her face was inches from mine and I just wanted to kiss her. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself now?" she asked.

"Nothing is going on between Frankie and me. We're friends. It's not like that. I love you, okay?"

"Do you? Because it seems to me like you've cheated on me...twice! So what if no one knows we;re dating yet but you still have no right."

I grabbed her hand and she pulled away. "Jenny, please. I would never cheat on you. I do love you. I would do anything for you. Believe me."

"Whatever. Just take me home." She crossed her arm and we made our way to my car. I sighed as we got in. This is a disaster.

(Jenny's POV)
I could just feel the anger bubbling up inside me. I just felt like hitting him but I contained myself.

We didn't talk all the way home and I'm glad. I don't feel like talking to him at all. I just feel as if he's playing with my emotions. It took me a while to even admit that I loved him and now I'm not even sure.

"Jenny," said Dougie, softly.

"Dougie, don't. Just leave me alone for now," I said and I made my way up to my room. I grabbed some clothes and showered. I just really hope Dougie went home so I don't have to wake up to him being here.

I watched some TV until I finally fell asleep.
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So shortttt! Couldn't think of anything else to put :/