Falling for You

Someone is Going to Get Some

"Hiya, Doug," I said, hugging him and he hugged me back.

"Hey," he said. "Awright?"


He smiled. "Do you want to hang out with me and the guys today?"

"Sure. What are you guys doing today?"

"I think we're going to a party today. Do you want to come?"

"I guess but don't get so drunk this time."

He smiled slyly. "I won't." I felt my stomach flutter a little but I shrugged it off. It's probably nothing. "You should have fun today. Drink with us."

"I do but I don't drink a lot. I'm the one who has to drive all of us home."

"You don't have to worry about that today. A limo is going to take us so you can drink all you want."

I shrugged. "Sure."

I hung out with Dougie for a while but then I headed home to go get changed. I decided to just wear skinny jeans, a blue button up shirt, and heels. I did my makeup but I only used a minimum. I heard a knock at my door. I finished putting on my lip gloss and then I opened the door to see a grinning Dougie.

"Ello, beautiful," he said, smiling cheekily.

"Hey, Doug," I said. I gave him a hug and he hugged me back in a tight embrace.

"Let's go."

We got in the limo and I greeted the boys and Gio and Izzy. They all gave me hugs and we kissed each other on the cheeks. We got to the club and there was paparazzi taking pictures. Dougie grabbed my hand. Well, this is definitely going to be on the magazines. There were always magazines on us anyways. They were always saying how cute we are and what not. I just don't see myself that way with Dougie. Can I?

We finally got in the club and we all sat down in a booth. Dougie went to go get drinks. They all just looked at me and it was making me feel awkward.

"What?" I asked them.

"Nothing," said Tom and Dougie returned with all the drinks and he handed each of us our drink.

"Hey, do you want to dance?" Dougie asked me. I smiled and nodded.

We went and danced but then it turned into a slow song. Really? A slow song in a club? C’moooon! I wrapped my arms around Dougie's neck nonetheless and he placed his hands on my waist. It was actually quite nice. Dougie was being a gentleman. He's been more of a gentleman lately than ever. I still felt a little bit uncomfortable about the whole thing he said to me but I have to get over it.

I got closer to Dougie and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

(Dougie's POV)
Everyone stared at us as we slowed danced. It surprised me when she put her head on shoulder and she didn't mind that I pulled her closer to me. Danny wiggled his eyebrows at me and I glared at him. He was probably thinking something dirty. I mean it was Danny.

The song was over and we both walked back to everyone else. They just wouldn't stop staring at us. It was really freaking me out but I just let it go.

The girls got up to go to the bathroom. The guys just looked at me and I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked.

"I think someone is going to get some tonight," said Danny.

I rolled my eyes. "No, Dan. It's not going to happen. She doesn't like me. I already know it."

Tom sighed. "You don't know that. None of us know that. I can get Gi to talk to her if you want. But we are talking about Jennifer. She never tells anyone how she feels."

I shrugged. "It doesn’t matter to me."

"I think she does like you," said Harry.

I shrugged again. I don't know why the guys do think she likes me. A girl as beautiful as Jenny wouldn't want to be with me. I mean she deserves someone better and way better looking for that matter. I know I'm not being my normal conceited self but that’s not really who I am. I just say things like that to be stupid.

The girls came back and Jenny smiled at me. That smile always makes me weak in the knees but thankfully I was sitting down.

She sat down next to me and she started drinking her beer. She got a few more and I guess she listened to what I told her earlier today. She did loosen up a bit. She hardly ever drinks and it's about time she had some fun. By the time we're done, we're going to be all drunk. Who knows what will happen next.
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Pretty lame, eh?