Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

Ice Cream and Dragons

Inside Faye was letting Tifa look at both the bullet graze and the thin scratches from the swords. "Let me fix it," Tifa said standing upright.
"It will be fine in a few minutes Tifa," Faye refused. "Come on, I said I would take you out," Faye now motioned to the children who sat on the stools. Both of them jumped down and took one of her hands before dragging her to the door. She looked back as Vincent and the others passed her, "We will be back before dark."

"She is fast Tifa, like Vincent!" Yuffie told the story of Fayes' spar with Vincent.
"You should see what she did," Cid motioned toward Amaya who was gingerly tending to her bruise.
"As deadly as ever," Amaya chuckled lightly, "she used ones with paint once, when she was finding a good substitute that flew similar to a real bullet. I would have really been sorry if she had used one of the rubber ones cause she got me square in the forehead."
"She managed to hit Vincent," Beret stated.
Tifa looked at Vincent who was deep in thought.
"Actually she missed only hit him just enough to give him a little bruise, nothing that would have been deadly," Amaya corrected knowing Faye would have sighed and done it herself should she have been there.

Faye and the kids spent most of the day at the park playing games and enjoying the day. Together they now sat eating ice cream at a small but pleasant shop. She told them all about monsters she had come across and the many people she had met. They sat and talked for what seemed like hours. Faye was open more, though not much more, around the children. Soon they found the sun starting to set and Faye told them to finish their ice cream. "I said we would be back before dark," she spoke as they stood. Both children where tired and so she hoisted Denzel to her back and carried Marlene in her arms.

The conversation inside the bar was light and most everyone was getting to know Amaya better. The peace was suddenly broken when a familiar voice yelled, "son of a…." The phrase was cut short by a loud crash and gun fire. Everyone sprung to life and ran out the door. Vincent was brought immediately into battle when a shadow creeper leapt at him. Cloud was also put into a fight with a group of shadow creepers. The children were crouched together, Denzel guarding Marlene with his back. Tifa moved them away to safety quickly.
Faye was standing up a head and she swayed a bit, staggering to keep her balance. She gripped the side Vincent's shot had wounded but this time her side was sticky and shimmering with crimson. Ahead of her rose a great dragon, larger and far harder to get rid of than Bahumit had been. She shook out of the haze that crept to her vision and jumped headlong at the dragon.

She stuck to its head, planting the barrel of Hell Raiser flush with the skull and pulling the trigger. She jumped away as the dragon swatted at the pain and shook his head. She stumbled on her landing and her knees tried to give out from under her.
"My turn?" Cid questioned from next to her.
She waved him on, "be my guest."
Amaya was plummeting and Faye launched at her with her hand out, "put your hands out Amaya!" They gripped each others hands and Faye swung her body around to slingshot Amaya back toward the beast. Yuffie held her star steady as Faye used it to rebound herself into the air.

Yuffie felt fear crawl into her mind when blood spattered the area around her. Faye shot again and again at the beast, trying to fight the way her eyes blurred. The dragon moved back to regain its bearings and Faye landed inside the circle of those gathered. She again stumbled, falling to one knee before forcing herself back up. Everyone looked at her and a few went pail.