Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

"...You Get Used To It."

Cloud ran to Vincent as he reemerged from the stairs, "What happened? Is she alright?" Vincent nodded, "She is alive but only just."
"What happened she was covered in blood?"
"She has a bad wound to her side," Neneki replied.
"Did you fix it?" Cloud asked Vincent.
"I can not do anything until she can move again," Vincent replied sitting in his corner his face half hidden behind his collar.
"I think… it was our fault she got hurt…" Marlene said tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"What do you mean baby girl?" Beret knelt next to his daughter.
"She was protecting us… and she put us down so she could fight it… but she realized we were still in harms way and was trying to get us farther away, the dragon grabbed hold of her," Denzel said.
Tifa rested her hand on his shoulder, "she will be ok, she was doing what came naturally."

Faye watched as her toes twitched inside her boots, then her foot.
"You are working it away faster this time," Zack had disappeared but she could still hear him.
She worked her fingers, then her hand, her elbow, her shoulder. It was slow work that required immense concentration, within half the hour she could move again. It was a stiff movement like she hadn't moved in years but it was better than nothing. "I am learning to dispel it but it takes just as long as it does if I had just let it work out on its own," Faye mumbled as she stood.

She sat upright on the bed… only to regret it almost instantly. She felt her side pull apart again and she clutched at it. She also noticed that her left-hand pistol was missing. She blinked a few times to clear the blur that the pain set into her eyes. Faye walked stiffly toward the door and then to the stairs. She wasn't bleeding like she had been but blood still slipped between her fingers. She held the rail as she swayed slightly, her legs not used to the weight yet.

Vincent could smell blood again and he looked around. Cloud noticed the sound of small short breaths coming from clenched teeth and moved to the stairs. "Faye you are up!" he said excitedly. She did indeed come staggering down the stairs clutching her side tightly and her face pale. Vincent stood when he noticed the blood on her hand, "You shouldn't have moved."
She narrowed her eyes but stayed silent as he approached her. Tifa too came to stand with her using her arm to support the woman. "Vincent can fix it," She smiled over at her as she helped her to sit at a chair.

Faye nodded and pulled her tattered shirt up over her head, leaving her sitting there in front of everyone in her bra. Cloud and Cid turned away and blushed. "Still as shameless as always," Amaya said shaking her head. "When you have been shot up and sliced as many times as I have and had to do it weather you like it or not… you get used to it," Faye mumbled leaning back so that Vincent could get to the wound easier. She felt her eyes soften as she watched him, she had missed him… the Vincent she once knew… but surely he had changed.

She sighed as the jagged gash closed over slowly, he had poured something onto it or that is what it felt like. She had looked up at Tifa who was standing next to her. His hands here now covered in her blood, but his eyes never trailed from his work. When he was finished he stepped away and made his way to a sink to wash the blood away. Faye stood and pulled her shirt back over her head. She sighed looking down at the torn fabric. "Faye what happened to your shoulders? The back of your shirt has two holes in it." Tifa had noticed the area first.
Faye grimaced internally at what had caused said tears in her shirt… she could not tell them yet. "I do not know," She pulled her shirt back over her head and tossed it to Amaya, "Throw that please." Amaya nodded and tossed the shirt away.
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Another short one