Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus


Faye was sitting on a chair, balancing her remaining pistol, Hell Raiser, on one finger. The pistol was on its side and she spun it with her free hand. Getting bored of watching it spin she tossed it up and caught it on the barrel with one finger. She put the gun away and kicked back in her chair, holding herself on two legs. She placed her water bottle on her forehead and balanced that.

Amaya came downstairs and chuckled at her companion. She moved over to her and placed her cell atop the bottle. When that stayed balanced she placed her dagger atop that. Then an empty shot glass, then a saucer, then an empty beer bottle, and finally a bouncy ball she had pulled from her pocket.

Faye watched lazily, staying dead steady on her balanced perch. "You got skill Fye, I don't know what type of skill, but skill none the less," Amaya laughed sitting across from her friend with her arms crossed.
"Doesn't take much to entertain you does it?" Tifa chuckled from her seat at the bar.
"Let's just see how long she can stay like that," Amaya smirked. Faye gave a sigh and looked up at the stack that remained still.

Cloud and the guys were returning from a small extermination mission. He was following behind Beret and Cid, Vincent was behind him with Red and Cait Sith. Faye, Amaya, Tifa and Yuffie had left later than they had, and it seemed as though they had chosen the harder mission. "Wonder when they'll be back?" Cid questioned thoughtfully.
"I bet they don't get back till late," Beret laughed.

Cloud chuckled and pushed pasted them to the door. Upon looking inside all three men standing in the doorway gawked. The women had returned before they had. His eyes settled on a strange site, and it took a moment to register in his mind what it was. Faye was kicked back in a chair, her arms dangling and her head back, with a stack of objects protruding from her forehead.

He burst out laughing, nearly tripping over a chair as he entered the bar. "What the hell…" Beret asked as he looked them over. Yuffie had just joined in the fun and was placing various pens and pencils about the stack of objects now adorning Faye's head. "You are such a freak," Cloud said good naturedly. His dismal mood had lifted ever since Faye had shown up at the door.
"I am bored out of my mind," Faye replied giving him a blank look from the corner of her eye as Yuffie balanced a pencil on her nose.

"So you stack things on your forehead and balance a chair?" Cid chuckled causing the unlit cig in the corner of his mouth to bob slightly.
Her face remained blank as she let her eyes fall on him, still sure to keep completely steady, "You can blame the stack of shit on these two imbeciles."
Vincent closed his eyes and shook his head, maintaining his silence, tough a curious amusement played in his crimson gaze.

"Anyone can do that," Cid teased her. Faye sat forward losing many pencils in the process but keeping the stack intact, she removed the stack and placed it carefully on the table.
"Care to try Highwind?" She asked a smirk on her lips that didn't reach her eyes. Cid took up her seat and she placed the stack of objects on his forehead. The objects wobbled a bit but stayed in place.
"See, no biggy," Cid grinned.
" I was also balanced on two legs of the chair," Faye said to him.

As he tried to do that she turned toward a familiar sound. On instinct her hands gripped at the pistol grip at her thigh. Vincent was toying with his tri-barreled gun, Cerberus. She relaxed and stepped toward him. "Why are you bored?" Beret asked eyeing her, "you just got back from a mission."
"I didn't even get to use my gun," Faye grumbled a bit sourly.
"It's not good to keep a gunner cooped up for to long," Amaya giggled. Faye shook her head and continued toward Vincent. "May I? She asked laying Hell Raiser on the table in front of him.