Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

Hold Your Tongue Or I Will Cut It Out

Faye could hear them moving about and talking. She struggled feverently to dispel her paralysis. Soon it was gone and she could move stiffly. "Who is this Flint guy yo?" She recognized the voice as belonging to Reno. She sat forward and closed her eyes against the brightness of the light in the room. Shadows hunger pulsed in the back of her mind.
"He was my ex," her voice was weaker than she would have liked. Everyone looked at her, even Vincent chanced to glance at her from the corner of his eyes.

"You are moving so soon," Shin-Ra stated. She gave him a glare but ignored his comment to instead rest her head in her hands and her elbows on her knees. " You have a lot to explain my dear," Rufus folded his hands in his lap, a cocky look playing his features. In an instant she was at his throat, her hand was clamped tightly around his throat, and her pistol was pressed firmly to his head.

"Hold your tongue worm or I will cut it out," her voice was mixed with the deeper voice of Shadow. Her eyes were not simply the steal grey they usually were, but instead there was black bleeding into the iris.
"You wouldn't kill me," he sneered.
"What has you to think I wouldn't?" she growled, her finger tightened ever so slightly on the trigger.

"Faye…" Cloud started toward her.
"Don't move Chocabo," she growled, " this is nothing of your concern."
"You have no reason to kill me," Shin-Ra boasted.
"You do not know when to shut up, you don't know what to say and when you can say it, you don't have any respect for a being that could easily kill you, you are an idiot, and you called me dear… that is more than enough reason…"Faye's voice rung clear and cold.
He flinched when she pulled the trigger and only gained a click in response. He let out a laugh, "See you couldn't kill me."
She cocked the revolver again and shoved the barrel already flush with his skull a bit harder.

Footsteps sounded from behind her, she could hear the ripling of a tattered cape as it swirled around his feet. An arm folded around her waist and another reached out to grip her gun hand gently. The golden gauntlet was cold and familiar against her stomach. Memories she had long forgotten flashed in her mind.

"Hold it steady," his voice was warm against her neck and ear.
She nodded in a determined way and held the pistol out at arms length, as steady as she could make it. A warm arm was wrapped comfortingly around her hips, his warm fingers tracing small circles over her soft, exposed skin on her side. "Now aim at your target," his lips moved against the nape of her neck and she lost concentration for a moment. Her hand quivered and his other hand came up to support hers. "Squeeze the trigger," he told her. She set her eyes and pulled the trigger hitting dead center.

She gasped when she noticed that she had hit the target dead center. "I HIT IT!" She stammered, spinning around in his arms to wrap her hands around his neck, being careful of the pistol still held in her hand. He smiled a breath taking smile at her, his crimson eyes gleaming joy behind his short almost emo hair. "Thank you so much Vincent!" She stated grinning.
"You are very welcome Jasmine," his voice was happy.

The hand holding her gun fell to her side, and she carefully released the hammer as she slipped the pistol into the holster.
"Just relax," Vincent said to her, though he was not as close to her as he had been in her flash back… she could still feel his hot breath on the back of her neck.
She glared at Rufus and squeezed enough to make him grip her hand as he struggled for breath. She shoved him roughly backward trying to topple him from his perch, but he caught himself on the edge of the desk. She let Vincent lead her back to the couch where she sat down. She broke open the pistol and removed the shell that should have fired into Shin-Ra's head in a glorious splatter of grey matter. "A dud," she stated tossing the shell clearly marked where the firing pin creased the soft brass.
"You really tried to kill me," Rufus stammered.
"You really are an idiot aren't you?" Amaya asked in defense of her friend.

"Like I said… Flint was my ex," she spun the cylinder and clicked the gun shut, slipping it back into the black leather, "We were only together for a good week tops… I should have killed him when I got the chance."