Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

Faye's Story

His voice was a deep whisper.
"I was right in front of you … everyday you came into the lab and I was pressed against the glass of that chamber…"she was staring right through him. Her now brilliant green eyes glossy and clouded, looking through him at the wall as though he were not even there. " You always had something else on your mind…" she stated dryly as she reverted to her new appearance.

She closed her now silver grey eyes for a brief moment. Before she could calculate what was happening, she had been wrapped tightly in his arms. The smell of cinnamon met her bringing blurred memories, but it was mixed a little with the leather of his pants and shirt and the smell of gunpowder, which every gunner carried.

She relaxed, though only just, 'it feels…good to feel his arms around me again.'
"I am sorry," he whispered against her ear. It sent chills down her spine and she shivered a big in his grip.
She stepped away and rested a slender elegant hand along his cheek, "I have never blamed you."
They quickly broke apart at the sound of footfall outside the door.

Immediately she was wrapped in a tight hug by many arms, "We are glad you are ok."

She stepped back again to give herself room, "take Tifa upstairs for the moment, she needs to sleep."
"Don't worry me like that again!" Cloud demanded as Beret took Tifa up the stairs to her room.
"You have no say in how or when I worry you," Faye chuckled mockingly at Cloud. Vincent chuckled to himself.
"Now will you please tell us about your past?" Amaya offered.

She motioned them all to sit, and stepped back to sit on a bar stool. "I can not promise they will be happy memories… no there aren't many of those…" She said. They all nodded and waited for her to continue. "There are many things I do not remember, so many years in a prison of pure mako will do that to you," she mumbled as she felt Vincent move to the stool next to hers and waited for her to continue.

"I can just start where I remember…
I had just returned from Kalm… I was looking for a friend. He had disappeared, I mean usually he returned after a few weeks to come see me. Not this time. I remember walking into my house and a sharp pain in my shoulder, then everything went black. When I woke I was strapped down to a stainless steal table. Looking over at one arm many tubes protruded from it, when I glanced at the other, I gained quite a shock. A small square of my skin had been pealed away and cut off. Struggling did nothing at all, if anything it only made me tired and made the ties uncomfortable. The first I saw was that of the abomination Hojo. He pumped me full of God knows what. After he had had his fun I was passed to Crescent. She was more caring and gentle, but I still had to go get my shot.

There was always a man with her… he was constantly apologizing to me. I always tried to tell him, "I do not blame you." He could be forgiven. I was then put into my mako chamber where they continued to pump me full of substances that burned and paralyzed. I watched the man I now knew as my friends father, pass away."

She saw recognition in Vincent's eyes, if anyone else had caught on… they would never have to do anything about it. She shook her head briefly and wrung her hands like a washcloth. She looked back up at them.

"I remained in the chamber being filled with things, and soon I discovered I had a switch personality. I had also found my missing friend. He never seemed to see me… and I had to watch as he slowly suffocated my heart until it shriveled and fell away. He never saw me as I was, he was always looking at her. He was infatuated, and everyday I saw him another piece of me fell away, and they grew closer.

Suddenly they began fighting, though I could not understand what because of the glass, I knew something was about to happen. A little later, Hojo found my friend alone and shot him in the stomach… I could do nothing… I watched him die… the very person I longed so greatly to see again passed away before my eyes." She paused and felt a comforting hand close around her own but she knew it was unseen, "After that… I let Shadow drop me into a slumber."