Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus


Vincent was no longer looking at her, but instead at the floor. She felt guilt rise in her stomach. Nanaki nodded for her to continue, even though there was little left to explain. "I …watched the single most important person in my life die…I should have told him… what I wanted to so long ago…" She felt the hand folded around hers grip tightly. She did not look up from the spot she focused on between her boots.

Everyone was staring at her, except for Vincent who was also staring at his feet. The silence that filled the room was broken when Cloud spoke, "So your friend is just like Vincent?"
She could have fallen off the bar stool with his stupidity. She had made it as obvious as she could without blatantly saying that her friend had been the former Turk, Vincent Valentine.
"Your head looks like a Chocabo …. But do you have the brain of one as well?" she asked in disbelief, her eyes blank and one eyebrow raised.

Vincent stood and left, his cloak snapping as he rounded the corner and disappeared up the stairs. The comforting hand that had gripped hers went with him. She heaved a heavy sigh, "so … now you know the terror of my past."
Amaya came to her and folded her in comforting arms, "I am sorry."
Faye did not move away like she normally would have, "it's ok."

"So … the alternate personality.." Yuffie began.
"I call her Shadow, she is a vampire, and yes I have to feed on blood. If I don't she will lose all sense of being when she takes over my body…" Faye stated, "No I am not affected by the things that affect a Vampire such as light, and no I am not psychic."
She moved away from Amaya, "but sometimes her hunger surfaces in me." She paused to listen closely to the silence, "right now I can hear every heart beat in the room… I can smell the blood in your veins."
Cloud felt a cold chill run down his spine. Cid gave a curt nod even though he felt a twinge in his stomach.

She furrowed her brow and looked up, "I can also tell you that Valentine is talking to himself…"

She gave a bored yawn, and Amaya asked, "how often do you feed?"
" I can go a good two-three months if I had to … I would have to lock myself away though, but usually about every two weeks, I take only enough to sate the hunger and then I erase their memory so that nothing is changed." She twitched her hand a bit, "besides it is painful to drain a body completely." Cloud seemed relieved. "But there is a time when it does not matter if I have fed…when it is a struggle to keep the hunger subdued, usually happens when the moon does not grace the stars, the new moon," With that said she turned and walked up to her room.

No one tried to follower her and she sighed as she fell back onto the bed, the room next to hers growing silent. 'Go talk to him,' the voice in her head whispered. She obliged, went out into the hall and knocked on the door next to hers.

There was a long bout of silence and she turned to go back into her room when his voice called through the wood, "Come in."
It moved through her with a shiver. She opened the door and peeked through the opening. She stepped in and leaned back onto the door as it shut her in. She looked uncomfortable as she glued her eyes to her feet. "What is it you need?" his silky smooth voice carried from across the room. It sent a noticeable shiver down her spine.
"To apologize," she said. "I meant not to bring up such painful memories," she looked away as he stood.
He glided over to her and she looked up at him. His crimson eyes burned into her, "I am the one who should be apologizing."
She was shocked, "Valentine…. Why would you apologize when it was I who brought up the past?"
He slammed his fist into the wall next to her head. The sheet-rock wall buckled and fell away in crumbling pieces, as it gave way to his fist. She flinched something few could manage to make her do, and it amazed her how similar her heart must have looked to the broken wall under his hand. "I was blind, I should have protected you!" He stated quietly, but the force of the sound made her shrink away from him a bit. He was enraged with himself, and his eyes held a preternatural yellowish tint to them making his crimson orbs orange. She shied away from him more, sliding down the wall a bit as though she were ready to bolt away from him. For the first time in many years a tiny twinge of fear flickered in her mind.