Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus


His gaze softened, the orange color in his eyes dying away at seeing the twinge of fear in her eyes, though she desperately tried to hide it. "I promised to protect you…and then I turn around and let you suffer," his low voice was heavy with emotion.
She felt herself break, the need to cry rose up and she battled it down.
"You said you can not remember what happened after that…well I do…" he told her.
She let him lead her to the bed, and she crawled to the far side sitting with her back against the wall and her knees to her chest.

He sat on the edge of the bed while she sat against the wall. He told her, in heart crushing detail, his love for the woman that had shattered her very being. She pulled her knees closer. The collar on her trench coat hid the bottom half of her face, and her hair hid her brilliantly dull silver eyes.

He told her of how Crescent had experimented on him to keep him a live, and of the being called Chaos. He told her about how Lucrecia had betrayed his feelings, and how Hojo had gotten her pregnant… he spoke of her wanting to experiment on the unborn child. Faye felt a new chill take hold in her, and her anger flared her eyes a deadly blue almost black. She quickly got it under control and blinked them back to the dull grey silver. He spoke of the bust out thanks to Chaos, and sleeping for nearly 30 years in a coffin, and of Cloud waking him.

She listened intently as he gave up the details of his life, and his brush with death. He kept saying that he missed Crescent, and he couldn't stop thinking about her. All this did was help chip away at her heart. She did the best she could to keep it from showing. "So you are just like me then…" she asked once he had explained everything.
He gave a quiet nod and looked away from her. His long onyx hair fell down around his face and his cape hid his mouth.
"We are no longer who we once were," she mumbled, "a fresh start if you will."

She stood keeping her back to him for she knew that if he saw her face he would recognize the pain written there. "Thank you Valentine… it helps to know how I escaped," she gave a slight nod and left.

Outside his door she collapsed against the wall, sliding down till she lay on her side on the floor. Her heart felt as though he were holding it in his hand and squeezing it so hard it was unable to pulse. She clutched at the pain in her chest and gave a stifled moan. Tears burned relentlessly at her eyes, and the tightening in her throat intensified making it heard to inhale.
'Why do you fight it like this?' Shadows voice echoed in her mind.
'Because it shows weakness…' she replied as she righted herself and leaned against the wall. She slowly got to her feet, and went into her room. She locked herself away and fell onto her bed to dwell in the shadows of her mind.