Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

Zack Speaks.

Days passed into weeks. Amaya was concerned, she had not seen Faye since she had spoken of her past, that was a week ago.
"Damn it, where the hell is that woman?" Cid cussed, obviously agitated by her absence. It was evident that almost everyone was concerned, Cloud hadn't slept in days, and Denzel and Marlene had spent many hours fretting. Vincent was now gone for days at a time, Tifa had taken up pacing, Yuffie had fallen silent, and Cait Sith and Nanaki were curled up in front of Faye's door. Nanaki asked Sith to guard the hall while he attempted to get Faye to open her door.

Faye had not moved, remaining curled in a ball on her bed. She was clinging desperately to the SOLDIER wolf head pendant Zack had given to her minutes before his passing. The pendant was something important to her. She wasn't sure how long she had been locked away in her room, but she guess around a week or so. She felt a cold nose pressed against her back and she turned to see a wolf.

She embraced him, gripping at the silken fur and burring her face in its warmth.
"Why do you do this?" his voice was soft as he shifted forms under her grip. His arms folded around her.
"Because Zack… it hurts, and I am confused," she replied in a constricted voice.
"Come on Fye," he rubbed a soothing hand over her hair, "What is confusing you?"

She whimpered, "Why do I feel this way? Why does it hurt so much?" She gripped tightly to his shirt, clinging desperately to his ethereal form.
"It hurts because you have feelings for him," his voice harbored a soft chuckle.
"But what are those feelings!? Why do the make me feel like dying?" She cried. Small glittering, clear crimson tears streaked her face, solidifying into tiny round crystals as they bounced across the floor.
He ruffled her hair like he used to do in their time together, "that is something you must find out on your own."

She looked up at him and the smile that tugged at his lips made her heart throb painfully and her throat constrict even more. She gasped at it, clenching her eyes shut and making soft struggling, crying sounds between clenched teeth, "Why did you leave?" The question was soft as she tried her best not to say the words with the sobs that shook her body.
"Because it was my time to go, but you have a lot now, friends who are worried sick about you," he said gently before adding with a light hearted laugh, You should see your other brother."
"Chocabo?" She sniffled wiping at the wet stains of her tears.
Zack nodded, "poor guy hasn't slept in days, looks like the living dead."

A small, very small smile broke through her tears.
"Tell Cloud we said hey alright?" He faded into a thin vapor.
She saw the floor littered with the small crystals, she grabbed a cloth and went about picking them up. With all of them in her hand she closed the hand tightly and breathed gently onto the cloth. The gems turned to liquid and she tossed the damp cloth into the laundry hamper.

Nanaki was about to call into the door when it opened suddenly. He was surprised to see Faye's usually grey eyes had turned a light shade of red-pink. They only became like this when she had been crying.
"What has you so shaken?" He questioned in a worried voice.
"It's nothing Nana," she said. Sure enough her eyes reverted to their normal dark silver grey. She accompanied the red furred, fire tailed, feline down to the bar.
"Good to have you back lass," Sith stated from where he stood on the stairs.
She gave him a slight nod and continued onward.

The first person to take notice of her was Cloud, mostly for the fact that she came right up in front of him, bent ever so slightly to see his face.
"He was right… you do look like a Zombie," she stated blankly her heart still throbbing a bit. Cloud practically tackled her to the floor, then he pulled away and gave her a questioning look, "who's he?"
"Zackary," she said.
She heard him shout in the back of her mind, "DON'T CALL ME ZACKARY!"
She closed one eye and put her hands over her ears giving a growl, "he and Aeris say hello."

His face contorted in confusion but he shook it away and instead took a firm hold on her collar, "Why the Hell did you do that!?" He shook her back and forth. For a moment she just sat there, letting him shake her roughly. She stared up at him and suddenly his image faded into someone else… someone she truly wished never to see again.