Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

Bad Memories and a Half Truth

She was shaken violently, yet again a bruise forming under her eye where his hand had taken her down to the floor. She would lose it and strike out at him, before wandering back to the comfort of her brothers.

Now he was there before her again, Violent brown eyes glared down at her, framed by greasy brown hair. Fear yet again rose in her, and she was sure it was visible in her eyes. A stronger, more prominent emotion pulled in to take its place, anger. She struck out at the image, her fist striking hard on his jaw. She sprung back and the image turned back to Cloud.

Though Cloud was holding his Jaw he stammered, "Faye! I am so sorry!"
She blinked before realizing she had her gun drawn and cocked pointed at the blonds head. She hastily holstered her gun and slid down the wall. She let her head fall backward against the wall, her eyes closed. Everyone had gathered around her except for Vincent who was not in the room. Marlene and Denzel clung to her sides and Amaya knelt next to her. "Sorry Cloud…bad memories… you know?" She grumbled miserably.

He stretched his jaw and took a seat next to her, "It's ok Fye, I should have known it would bring up bad memories." He rubbed his chin, " damn you hit hard."
"Why did you lock yourself away like that?" Amaya asked her
Faye looked down at the children, she wouldn't tell them her heart was no longer beating. She could not tell them she had found the man she had loved secretly many years ago.

That the man would never see her as anything more than a friend. " I … just needed some time alone," she said, it wasn't exactly a lie, only a half truth.
"You didn't have to worry us like that," Tifa told her.
She let her eyes fall to the floor, half lidded in sorrow, but she gave a small nod to Tifa's comment.

The next week passed by at an agonizing rate. When Vincent was around Faye turned to solid stone, emotionless and cold. He too seemed colder than usual. Faye spent her time with Denzel and Marlene, as well as helping Tifa out on busy days. She was beginning to think that all trouble had passed. Everything had become peaceful and relaxed, it was just about right for a few days off absolute leisure time.

That thought was utterly destroyed when Cait Sith came scrambling through the door into the bar. Faye's heart dropped as a new scent caught her sensitive nose. It was vile, evil, something new and deadly. She stopped drawing and stood from her chair, motioning the children to continue without her. "What is it?" She asked her voice calm and cold.

As the robot started to speak his accent was so heavy it was hard to understand, the words strung together so fast it was one big jumble. "Vincent…… lost control …. Chaos… kill anything…. Get his hands on…"The cat 'bot stammered nearly falling over himself as he tried to explain. Her stomach twisted into a knot.