Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

You Lost Control

Chaos gave a slight twitch , he was not sure of the strange feeling in his stomach. He had seen her in the moment of the valiant rescue of Vincent's friends, but in his own form he found her enticing, the scent of Orchid drifting on the breeze. They walked in silence, the uneasy feeling in his gut making his wings twitch and shutter. The thought of just killing her crossed his mind, surely that would make the churning feeling in his stomach go away.

She turned toward him suddenly her wings flared, "tell me, does Vincent still bleed over that she-devil?"
He was somewhat shocked at her tone, but showed it with a sneer, "Why do you want to know?" He lashed out at her with his claws, using this as an excuse to cut her down.
She leapt up and came back with her own attack, "because my host loves him and she is dying inside! He is killing her!"

The two demons battled their hearts out, until both were on the verge of exhaustion. "This is …something," Chaos growled, struggling to his feet, "that they must sort out on their own." Shadow was panting, a small line of blood dripping from the corner of her lips onto the ground.
"See you later babe," she said one eye closed against the pain running it's course through her body.
" Count on it my pet," Chaos smiled grimly before collapsing.
Shadow heaved a sigh, "what a mess…"
The sun had set and risen, soon the others would come looking for her. She used her saliva to close any wounds on Vincent's body. She flopped backward when Faye took over again. Her paralysis didn't take long to dispel, but it took the rest of that half hour to convince her limbs to work even just a little.

Cloud sat against the bar on the floor. No one slept but the kids. Everyone watched the door.
"Maybe…they…" Cid started to speak what was on everyone's mind but Tifa cut him off, "Don't say it Highwind." He fell silent. Hours passed by, every tick tock of the second hand on the clock was nearly enough to drive them all mad. Midnight rolled around and Yuffie paced the floor, tossing a materia from hand to hand.
"If she isn't back by morning I will go look for her," Cloud announced.

Morning rolled in and the members of AVALANCHE…short two members, were sprawled across the floor of Seventh Heaven. They were awake but had given up watching the door. Cloud was just about to gather his things to start looking when the door opened and in tumbled two bodies. The larger of the two lay still atop the smaller form which had moved in feeble attempts to escape the weight pinning it.

To everyone's surprise it was Faye and Vincent. Both were covered in blood and both seemed exhausted. Cloud heaved Vincent's unconscious deadweight off of Faye.
"Remind me…"She mumbled as she stood, "to tell him to cut back on the carbs." She took a few staggering steps and fell. Everyone rushed for her. "It's ok, I caught myself with my face," she said sarcastically.
"Stop screwin' around down there and tell us what the fuck happened," Cid cried.
"Well I can't Flyboy," she grumbled, her voice muffled against the floor.
"Why the hell not?" Cid demanded picking at a bandage.

"Because Cid Highwind, my limbs are refusing to work," she gave an exasperated sigh. Beret hauled her to a chair and Amaya supported her there.
"How did you do that?" Cloud asked her.
"Trust, Chaos is an egotistical demon, he likes being in control, so I used it to my advantage," She said as she rested her head on the back of the chair.
"He could have killed you," Tifa commented.
Faye's face twitched as her heart contorted, "Maybe it would have been best if he had." Amaya slapped her hard across the face, tears glittering in her eyes, "Shut up."

"Maya you have no idea what this body has been through," 'the pain I feel always,' She kept the last bit to herself keeping her eyes adverted to the far wall.
"I might, if you would just let me in," Amaya replied.
"Not yet… for these scars are still bleeding," Faye said softly. "May we speak of this later, I haven't slept since the night before, and I need to regenerate," she asked them.
"I can fix yah!" Yuffie exclaimed.
Faye shook her head, "No thanks Yuffie." She was then hauled up to her room with the help of Beret.

Vincent woke to a cloth being pressed to his forehead. He blinked trying to clear the haze from his startling red eyes.
"Good your awake," he recognized the voice.
His eyes followed the hand that held the bloody cloth, as he thought it belonged to Tifa. He looked past her and found Cloud propped against the wall. He sat forward and rested his head in his hand, "what… happened?"
"You lost control," Cloud stated simply.
His heart dropped into his stomach then knowing this could not have ended well at all.