Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

"She Was Broken..."

He opened the door with a flick of his wrist, giving the others a quick and shallow be back later. He stepped through after the feline and shut himself out of the bar. For a long while as they walked it was silent. Nothing but the sounds of life around them and the slight crunch of earth under foot. Birds flitted about the sky, their song echoing from the trees as the pair ventured into a stand of trees on the edge of town. Vincent remained quiet out of respect, knowing it was the felines idea to walk in the first place, it was only right he start the conversation.

Nanaki waited until they were well within the trees before speaking, "I found her in a field, discarded and bleeding."
Vincent glanced down at the cat a silent nod his only response.
"She would not speak, she did not trust anyone," Nanaki sighed, "but she grew strong again, and soon she grew to trust me and those like me." "She did have a strong dislike for humans, but she did her best to hide it when anyone came to visit," the feline said, "when she chose to spoke, you always knew she would hold a good conversation."

"She grew accustomed to laying about in the fields and gazing at the stars with me," he gave a slight smile at the memory.
Vincent tried to imagine the girl in that way, but the thought evaded him skillfully.
"She became good council," Red said, "and I became her council." "She was broken… and her soul had so many things to say, She spoke of a man who had stolen her heart long ago," he said, taking long strides," she said he never knew, and in turn fell for another and broke the very heart he had stolen."

The red cat looked back at the man walking with him. There was a slight tension in the air, and a twinge in his stomach as Vincent listened.
"She told me she would have given anything… she would have given her life to save him, but she said she could do nothing as he died right before her," Nanaki turned his attention back to the trail and his large paws. "Many times she had come to me crying, saying she wanted to die, that she might kill herself, but she always came to me when it got to hard," he growled, "she said she could do nothing to save him, and that is what killed her inside."

Vincent tensed at the thought of being helpless, and then just not doing anything all together. It was an overwhelming feeling and he hated it.