Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

Zacks Comfort

He thought instantly of Lucrecia, feeling utterly helpless, and doing nothing. His heart hurt like never before, and again he held down the urge to grip his chest. He was jerked ever so violently from his thoughts as the large flame tailed cat turned on him. Hard, cunning feline eyes boring holes into his face, as he advanced on Vincent a few steps.
"So do not speak of the scientist and expect her to merely come away ok," Nanaki turned away from him with that said and started back toward the bar.
Vincent was left standing a bit dumbfounded in silence with his troubled thoughts.

"Fye?" She was being shaken gently. "Come on you lazy fox."
Faye opened her eyes, blinking away the haze that fogged everything. Zack was kneeling next to her .
His face drawn with worry as his brilliant eyes scanned her face.
She saw his expression twitch downward with a sigh as she sat upright one hand on her forehead as if she expected a pounding headache.

"What do you want Zachary?" She rubbed her eyes and wrinkled her brow .
The corner of his eye twitched slightly as she spoke his full name, "Come on! Do I not even get a break in the after life? You know I hate my full name."
She glanced sideways at him one brow arched.
"You sleep like the dead," he changed the subject, "You had me worried."
"Zack… I am still sleeping," she gave him a blank look.
He grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.

Faye shook her head and turned to the slight hint of pink in the corner of his vision.
Aeris was sitting back on the heels of her boots looking at her.
"You look well," Faye told her.
The flower girl smiled brightly, "but you my friend seem to be having a hard time."
Faye's eyes seemed to show the frown that failed to cross her lips, "Why didn't you tell me?" She pulled her legs into half lotus, "why didn't you tell me he was alive…?"

Zack sighed in defeat, "we aren't allowed to tell you what may alter the future."
She was about to protest his sanity when Aeris nodded, "we can only keep an eye on you and encourage you when you feel like your at your ends."
Faye gave a sigh, "He is killing me… slowly but surely I am fading away."
Zack shook his head, "give the man some time… he has had a hard past."
Aeris agreed, "Hang in there alright."
Faye nodded though she was very unsure of herself.
"Now go on and get up they are waiting for you sis," Zack gave her a hug.
She closed her eyes and hugged back.

Something fell onto the floor with a gentle clang and she woke in her own bed and rolled over to see what it was. Her SOLDIAR pendant lay just under her hand.