Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

Amaya's Anger

Her boots thudded dully against the pavement as she stormed through the populated streets of Edge. Silver grey eyes flashed about as she watched carefully for any threat or any simple sign of someone following her. Faye's trench moved with the breeze she created with each flowing step, its buckles flashing slightly behind her arms. Her hands were stuffed firmly into her pockets and her gun hidden behind the coat. A child ran out in front of her and she stopped on a dime, flawlessly sending the edges of her coat fluttering outward as if they reached for the child skittering away at her feet. Any human would have tripped over themselves, especially had they been gawking at the clouds overhead as she was doing.

She waited patiently for the little girl to move out of her way before she continued on. The steady rhythmic sound of her boots again carried her onward toward the unknown destination. Unknown was exactly where she was going, she did not care to be true. She just let her feet drag her through the crowds and toward whereever she would end up. The sound of bass pumping caught her sound sensitive ears as she neared her destination.
The building she had stopped in front of was sound proof though her ears caught the reverberation of the music through the ground. The windows of the building had been blacked out and a bouncer stood in the roped off gateway.

She stepped up and swept her coat back away from her attire of baggy camo fatigues, and tight beater.
The bounced moved the rope aside and nodded to her.
She stepped inside sweeping her bangs back. The music dulled a bit as her ears adjusted to keep from busting her eardrums. She stepped into the crowd and was instantly drawn by the flashing strobes, multicolored lasers and glow spinners, spinning their glow sticks on the end of stings. The music throbbed an ebb and flow through her body. She could defiantly lose herself here, and taking up a set of glow poi that had been set aside she began to do just that.

Vincent sat in his usual spot, staring out the window where he had last seen Faye disappear. He felt strange, he felt the turning in his stomach, as though it were full of butterflies. He looked down at the table, wondering if it was his old friend that did this to him. He would not know today for she had walked out the door in a fuss… and he didn't see her coming back anytime soon.

Tifa watched the door the whole day, Faye had fled the bar in a bit of a foul mood, and now night was falling and swiftly. Her eyes flicked over Amaya who was also helping in the bar today, carrying a tray of drinks to a table. She too kept her eyes trained on the door awaiting the return of her friend.
Vincent sat with his arms crossed and one leg rested over his knee in his usual corner. He was watching, with certain interest, the light gleaming off his golden boot gauntlet.
He seemed to be unconcerned with anything, only content to stare at his boots in deep thought.

As the bar patrons slowly began to leave Faye came through the door, looking terribly tired. She was spattered with glowing speck of all colors, and she was humming softly to herself. There was a slight bounce in her step as she Melbourne shuffled across the floor and then fell onto a stool and slumped over the bar. Her face was flushed and her eyes drooped a bit with weariness.
"Where have you been?" Tifa stood in front of her with her hands on her hips.
"What's with the glowing stuff?" Amaya asked poking at a spot of pink glow on the shoulder of her trench.
"A rave, and its from a glow stick that someone broke," Faye answered with a heavy sigh of exhaustion. She glanced sideways past Amaya at Vincent who was glaring at her. Her eyes saddened and her head dropped so she was looking back at the bar.
Amaya noticed this and looked at Vincent from the corner of her eye.
"Night…" without another word she went up the stars and closed the door to her room after her.

Vincent gave a confused sigh, and his brow furrowed. His attention was turned when Amaya sat a glass in front of him on the table.
"You alright?" She asked seeing the way his brow furrowed beneath the crimson band.
"Hm? I am fine," he replied with his voice a low and level grumble. He took the glass and sipped at the drink.
"She really cares about you, you know that right?" Amaya stared at him, not giving him the chance to make her feel small. She felt a deep respect for him, and she was intimidated by his powerful presence. She held a high respect for Faye for being able to talk to him the way she did. "She once said…" her voice faltered and she swallowed hard, " she told me… that once she was not the hard shell we see now… she said she was once in love…and that she could never love another…" She jolted when his deep voice cut her off. Her eyes flew from the table to look at his pale emotionless face.

"Who could have gained so much from an angel of perfect marble?" he looked off to the side avoiding her probing gaze. His hands were held in an arch over is lips, his fingertips holding the rim of the glass.
Amaya stammered to answer his question though it was not something to be answered, " she did not give me a name… she only said it was long ago and that he was killed."
The gunner furrowed his brow further, "why do you speak of this to me?"
"Because!" Amaya exclaimed her voice raised to a furious falsetto, " Can't you see!?"
Every ones eyes turned toward them, watching from the corner of their gaze.
"You are killing her!" Amaya glared down at her hands which she had slammed onto the table.
He gave her a blank look, "why would I have anything to do with a dead lover?"

Amaya glared hatefully at him through blazing purple eyes lined with tears of frustration and embarrassment. Her rage swirled and snarled to be released in one swift swipe of the katana resting over her shoulder.
Berett reached out and gripped her arm gently, but she tore away from his grip, " Do not touch me…" The words were full of venom at a low hiss. She flipped around and stomped up the stairs slamming her door quite loudly behind her.