Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

A Day Out.

Amaya literally fell off the side of the bed, landing with a loud thump and an exasperated yell, "WHAT!?"
Faye scrambled forward off the bed wrapping her hand around her friends mouth, "Shhhh!" When her friend settled again she rocked back onto her heals and onto her butt. She wrapped her arms about her knees and pulled them to her chest. A smile lit her face for the briefest of moments and then it faded again leaving a deep sadness in its wake. "He…he wasn't supposed to be alive…I was just starting to heal," Her voice held down her emotions with to the best of her ability.

Amaya curled her legs under her, remaining on the floor where she had fallen, facing her friend. Her eyes fell to her hands, "I didn't know."
Faye pulled herself from the floor and looked down at the necklace in her hand. Her voice sounded suddenly small, " How were you supposed to know if I never told you?"
Amaya stood next, and with a sympathetic hand on Faye's shoulder she stated softly, "You look tired… get some sleep alright?"

Faye nodded and practically drug herself out the door and toward her own just down the hall. She paused, with her hand on the brass knob of her door, to listen. She could hear that Tifa and Cloud had gone to their rooms, and the kids slumbered deeply. The others had left for their own homes. She could not hear Vincent in his borrowed room right next to her own. She listened a bit harder, his light breathing told her he too was asleep. She turned the door knob and stepped inside. Abruptly she was brought to a halt when Vincent's deep voice called out her old name.

She battled with herself for a minute, her curiosity winning over common sense. She approached the door opposite of her own. Careful to go silently she entered the darkness of Vincent's room. She blinked, her pupils glowing silver in what little light there was. He was laying on his side facing her, one hand palm up on the bed. She stepped toward him the locket dangling on its chain in her hand. His long silken hair spilled over the pillow and his face. The crimson band that normally held it was folded neatly, draped over his cloak. She looked at the jewel in her hand then at his sleeping face. She dropped the pendant into his open hand and swiftly returned to her room. She found herself fast asleep before she could think otherwise.

She woke and started down the stairs, she found Tifa busy in the kitchen.
"I am going to take the kids out today," Faye stated as she made the landinf of the floor, "I have my cell, if you need me you know how to get a hold of me."
Tifa's eyes watched Faye as she trailed along the edge of the bar. She had left her regular clothing behind in exchange for a short pleated skirt and a tank top that revealed her stmach. Tifa arched a brow at her and leaned over the bar to see her elegant little sandles. A bow was visible at the back of her neck and on each hip.
"Wow you look nice today," Tifa smiled at her a bit of shock clearly heard in her voice.
"What you haven't ever seen me dress like this?" She questioned as she heard Cloud trip at the top of the stairs. He must have noticed her too. She stepped casualy to te side as Cloud came rolling past and smacking into the far wall before he finally got stopped. Faye watched him crawl to his feet and rub at his head where his hair stuck up in disarray. She arched her brow at him, her arms crossed and one smooth hip sticking out to the side.
"I demand you go change!" He stated bodly and dramaticly. He seemed to sound appalled.
Faye laughed and placed her hands on her hips which remained cocked to one side.
"What?" She questioned him.
"You never dress that way, what's gotten into my sister?!" He questioned with exaggeration in his voice.
"Since it's warm and I am taking the kids out for the day," She said with a sneer in her voice.
Clouds face turned down in a pout as he looked er over again, "Well... it ... looks good on you." He then turned his head away, still rubbing the back of his head where he had fallen down the stairs.
Just then both children came sprinting down the stairs, Denzel flying out before Marlene with a bag in his hand. They both lept into fayes arms and she spun them in a small circle. "Well we will be off," She stated as she stood upright one child on each hip as she trotted out the door.
Tifa and Cloud followed her and both nearly choked when they saw her bucking both children intothe front seat of a Dodge Viper. For being the cold blooded killed she had met only a year ago, Tifa was surprised at the soft spot she held for the children. She shared this trait with Vincent without a doubt.
She had desided to take them to Costa delSol. She was set on enjoying her day with no stress at all. She had even managed to cage up her thoughts about Vincent. She pulled the car onto the road and smiled over at Denzel and Marlene, "Lets Go!"