Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

Play Dead

She did not move as she watched the movement carefully. Her hand reached for the butt of her gun which wasn't there. There it was again, this time she saw the whole figure. A man in sparkling blue and green armor. More of them materialized in the trees. She blinked when a piercing scream tore across the beach to her ears. Turning swiftly she found the others guarding the children and surrounded by the strange soldiers. Her image shimmered and she disappeared. Vincent fell forward and jerked awake.
She reached to pull her pistol, but found only air. She then remembered she had taken it off and left it in the car. She cussed at her stupidity and launched to the attack. They fired on her. She shifted the woman in her grasp, using the body as a shield. She spun around at the sound of gunfire and two Alpha soldiers fell at her feet as Vincent came towards her. Cerberus smoked in his hand. Faye was about to say something when an all to familiar feeling surged from a single point in her neck.
Her hands fell to her side and she staggered backwards. Faye's eyes flashed black and she growled showing off her razor sharp fangs that seemed to lengthen slightly. She reached up and jerked the barbed needle from her neck. Blood sprayed from the hole once before it closed over. She hissed angrily and threw the dart onto the ground. Her rampage was cut short as her eyes glossed, a sigh left her lips and she collapsed backward. With amazing speed the remaining soldiers gathered her and ran into the trees. Everyone was frozen in fear and shock. Vincent turned and picked off a few as they disappeared from site. Tifa was about to demand that someone go after them, but Vincent and Neneki were already on their way.
"It always seems to happen like this doesn't it?" Cid grumbled.
Tifa nodded and looked down, "seems like it."
They took their things to the store and returned the rentals. Tifa took the other bike and Cid took Faye's car and together they returned to Seventh Heaven to wait. This waiting thing seemed to happen more often lately.


Vincent moved swiftly through the trees, his eyes not only keeping the footprints in view but also his surroundings. Everything had happened so amazingly fast… and she had been taken from right under his nose.
"Don't worry… We will catch them," Neneki panted between breaths. His large powerful paws pounded at the earth while Vincent moved nimbly through the tree branches.
Vincent sprung through the leaves and branches, his heart pounding wildly in his ears. First he had been taken… and now she had been taken. Somehow he felt that it was his fault they had captured her. Chaos swirled inside of him, anger and desperation burned through both of them.


Fuzzy… everything blurred in and out of view. Trees mostly and the blue-green dragon scale armor under her face is what she noticed. That's right…. She had been darted… and now she was being carried like a sack of potatoes. As the fog that coated her mind began to lift she was thrown violently to the ground. Her head collided with a tree trunk, and she quickly snapped her eyes shut.
"How much was in that dart?" one voice asked.
She calculated his location, 'to the left… about nine feet.'
"Same as the others before her," another stated.
'Right… about six feet,' she thought.
"She should be awake by now," another stated.

This one was much closer, she figured about three feet away at the most. The cold ground pressed unforgiving rocks and sticks into her spine. She resisted the urge to readjust to get more comfortable. Instead she concentrated on slowing her heart rate. This in turn led to shallower breaths. Being a vampire she could easily stop her own heart to sleep for years. Because she wanted to simply appear dead and yet still be semi-conscious about her surroundings she drew on Shadow's consciousness. This caused her temperature to drop dramatically, and her color to drain away. Her eyes glossed and became nothing but pale grey rings. She became completely unresponsive.

A warm hand pressed against her cheek before it was swiftly taken away. "She's cold as death," a female said. The hand pressed to her throat, "no pulse…"
Faye heard another cuss, "damn it we are so dead."
Her eyelid was pulled back and she glimpsed a hard face before a light was shown into her eyes.
"Nothing… should we just leave her here?" They moved away from her then and the pitch of voices changed as they turned their backs to her.
Her hands became the only thing that moved, and even then the movement was slow and precise with no energy wasted. She stopped abruptly when footsteps and ragged breathing came toward her.
"What are you doing?" one voice asked.
"Just having a little fun, that's all," the reply came from only inches away. The muscles between her shoulders tensed to the point of cramping. She could feel tiny featherless wings begin to form under her skin.
A hand brushed her bangs back away from her face and a second hand trailed across her shoulder. When that hand wandered a bit to far she countered.

In an instant her blue-white wings had shot forward. The two end flight feathers closed together like scissor blades. There was no time for screaming only the moment where the face revealed the horror, for the blade-like sharpness of the feathers was deadly accurate. The head rolled sideways as the body fell and blood fountained from the stump of neck. Her wings twitched and shuttered from where they had fallen fully extended.
"What the hell was that?" one stated in shock.
"She is supposed to be dead," another stated.
Her wing was roughly over extended and lifted from where it covered her body. She retracted it and they fell half folded over her.

"Just a reaction," another stated.
"Let's rest for now, we are only a few minutes from the base anyway, we can take the body for proof," a deeper voice that hadn't spoken before, ruptured her bliss. She was enjoying this torture far to much. Now she could only lay in place playing dead. A strong feeling boiled inside her chest, and something told her, this would not be pleasant.