Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

Flints Return

"Vincent we should rest," Neneki stated.
Vincent sighed, he could feel his body growing tired under the strain of movement. He nodded and stopped abruptly. His cape flutter all around him with his momentum. The waves of exhaustion were just now starting to wash over him.
"We will be useless if we do not have the energy," Neneki panted as he sprawled along the cool earth.
Vincent leaned back against a tree and slid to the ground. He rested one arm across his bent knee and let his head fall slack against his chest behind his collar. This shifting wind painted uneven shafts of light across the ground as the sun tried in vane to penetrate the thick trees. The light danced with the shifting of the branches, changing shape and size. He felt in that small moment that he could just lay there and let the world change and die around him.

Vincent jerked awake suddenly. Anxiety and physical exertion had really taken their toll on him. The sun was hardly visible behind the trees now, he had slept for quite sometime.
"You were mumbling," Neneki stated from where he lay.
Vincent looked up at him and found the red feline stretching in the tiny bit of remaining light that managed to filter through the trees. "Sleep never comes well," he mumbled pushing himself onto his feet.
The large red cat stood and stretched, "Let's go." Together they started off slowly, walking instead of running. It was clear that the group who had taken Faye would probably be many miles away by now. All they could do was track them as fast as possible without wasting energy.


She was jostled awake, she barely managed to keep from snapping her eyes open. She was wrapped in her wings. They were tied closed over her face, she could tell because she could feel the feathers brushing back and forth over her eye lids. Her lungs burned for air and she chanced a careful breath. She forced comfort to the back of her mind and remained utterly still. Dully she dreaded, in the distant shadows of her min, the fact that she would be forced to meet up with someone she had wished to be rid of. She could almost grantee this would end badly.
Dread seeped through her. The memories of what had happened in her past danced around her teasingly. She had to get away…but she couldn't just take them back to the bar on her trail… there were too many lives at stake. Faye tried to settle her mind by listening to the changing sounds of their feet on the ground. Much to her distaste it was all too soon that she heard their boots on cement. She prayed that they would just up and burry her… she could dig herself out. All said hopes were dashed when she was cast violently to the floor.
"Well well look what we have here," his voice was the same… it made her sick.
"We uh…." the males voice shook, "she is dead sir."
The sound of his boots on the floor grew louder as he made his way across the room. She felt the toe of his boot press into her side. As if to test their words he kicked violently and a loud snap wrought pain over her body. She forced herself to stay still.
The bindings were cut loose and her wings fell partially open, one covering her body while the other sprawled over the floor. Even with her eyes glazed over she could see him when he tossed her wing back away from her.

His sharp face had only become more cruel. His hair was clean cut but still greasy and brown. He disappeared from her line of site for a moment and she could hear him shuffling about. When he reappeared she saw he held a collar of sorts. She had to fight the urge to make a run for it as his scaly hands fastened the piece of metal about her throat. At first nothing happened, but after a few seconds she turned back to her normal self.
"Look here, my little runaway," he grinned maliciously into her dead gaze.
As if it might stir her into moving he flipped open a pocket knife. It got no reaction. Only when he drove it into her thigh did he get even a smallest reaction. Her eyes flared to life and there was a tiny rise in her chest but nothing more. The cry he had been trying to evoke was bit back.
"Take her and lock her up, make sure her wrists are bound," he stood over her for a moment. "We have so much to catch up on," his voice was so sincere it made her feel like her stomach was trying to escape from her mouth.
She was hauled roughly to her feet and drug away down a hall. They strung her up by her wrists and locked the door as they left, like they were afraid she might escape from them. With blood dripping from the wound on her leg she closed her eyes wearily. The sound of footfall died away.