Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

A Call For Help

Night fell far quicker than she would have liked. There was a stillness that hung in the air, one that made her ears ring. She was stiff from how she had been sitting. Her entire body pulsed small numbed pains here and there. As the door swung open she could see through the window on the far side of the hall for a brief moment. The sun had gone down painting the sky a dark orange, but the view was blotted out by greasy brown hair. She bristled and angry snarl pulling her lips back from razor sharp fangs. A dark guttural growl rumbled up from somewhere deep in her chest.
Flint stepped through the door and it shut behind him. He moved forward with a deliberate slowness.
Her eyes flashed black but only for a moment before an intense electricity pulled her toward the ground.
"It is no use…you are mine now," his voice made her sick.
Faye glared up at him as he knelt and lifted her chin with his hand. She watched as his eyes roamed her body, following the lines of every curve. She trembled under his gaze.
'Faye run!' Shadow's voice was loud in her ears. The urgency in the spoken order made worry boil up in her stomach.
'How?!' Faye asked and at the same time she tugged on her restraints.
'You have to try! Please… I can not let you go through this!' something in the vampires voice turned her anger into pure panic.

Faye tried to calm herself, taking in deep breaths.
Flint smirked as she righted herself onto her knees, "Don't make a sound and I won't kill you."
Visibly her eyes flashed grey and widened. She backed away from him until she had pressed herself against the wall. Faye's hands began to work without her really doing anything.
He advanced on her, reaching out to trace the V of her throat. She gasped in fear and disgust when his finger traced a circle over the swell of her breast.
"How many times you denied me," Flint's voice was heavy with lust. He caught the strings of her only clothing -her bikini-, and in one rough motion cut them away. She twitched and bit into her lip as something cold and metal pressed against her ribs and her bikini fell away. Fear was the only thing on her mind as she tried to cover herself up.
She held down an involuntary cry when his hard callused hands closed roughly over her breasts. Tears bubbled up into her eyes when the feeling of vulnerability flooded over her. His unwelcome hands on her body made her cringe inwardly. She couldn't back away from him as he ran his fingers over the warmth between her legs.
Even as she dreaded what would happen, her hands continued to work to get herself free. His greedy mouth found the peak of her breast and she clenched her eyes closed. Tiny tears fell from her eyes to solidify and fall onto the concrete and roll away. She felt a twinge which broke with Shadow's voice, 'I am sorry!'

Suddenly her hand lit with brilliant fiery pain. She tugged it toward herself instinctively and with only a small resistance it pulled free. She shook it with such force that the dislocated thumb popped back into place. In an instant she had dragged him away from her by the had and jerked his head sideways. She bared her fangs and dove for his throat. Sour tainted blood flooded past her teeth. She backpedaled quickly and gagged raking her tongue between her teeth trying to get the taste to go away. He was on her again instantly, slamming her so violently into the wall that her vision blurred.
'VINCENT!' She yelled into her mind surly making Shadow go temporarily deaf. She ignored the fact that this was one of the first times she had used his name. There was a small moment when she wondered why she called for him and not Cloud or Cid or Beret.
She would never admit it to his face but she felt something for him, she always had. She realized now though that those feelings were far stronger than they had been in the past. Thankfully Flint was content at the moment to touch and grope. She concentrated on the burning in her heart for her silent crimson clad gunman and hopped that someone was coming to help.


Cloud's bike roared under him as he sped head long up the road toward Healin Lodge. When he topped the hill he put on the breaks. The whole vehicle slid sideways, spraying gravel up onto the deck of the lodge. The blond leapt from his Fenrir and sprinted up the stairs. His fist crashed against the door and his voice boomed, "Shin Ra! Open the door!"
There was silence all around him. With fear and panic coursing through him Cloud was almost sure he could force his way in. Just as he was about to thrust his foot into the metal, the heavy rectangle opened only just. Behind the opening Cloud could see a shock of red hair.
"Let me in Reno," the blond practically growled.

The Turk pushed the door open and stepped out of the way.
"Shin Ra I need a chopper on standby," he stated before he had even stopped in front of the young president.
"Why on earth… Rufus was cut off by a pair of worried voices.
"Is Faye ok?" It was the two Turks who were involved most with Avalanche.
"She has been taken…Neneki and Vincent are going after her but we may need a fast escape," the ex-Soldier's statement was quick and shallow.


Chaos raged. Vincent could feel him thrashing about inside his chest, pushing against his ribcage trying to escape.
'She is calling for us Vincent she needs help!' the demons voice strained a little.
"This way Vincent," Neneki called turning abruptly.
The scent of blood made the gunners head swivel about quickly. A man in strange green-blue armor lay crumpled on the ground. Following the spray of crimson that left a trail across the ground Vincent found the mans head. It eased his mind to see the blood, it told him she still fought or she had fought.
Suddenly they were on the steps of the compound.
"Go get her Vincent… I will handle the guards here," Neneki crouched, "Give Chaos the run of the leash for me."
There was no argument as Vincent moved toward the doors and disappeared.