Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

"Your Chance is Walking Away!"

She didn’t reply to him instead she examined the way the gentle light showed on his shirt. She finally regained her movement and she sat upright. Vincent easily got to his feet and held out his sharp clawed gauntlet. She took it lightly and let him pull her to her feet as well. She marveled for a moment at how good the cool sharp points felt against her skin.

Vincent felt himself grow warm. She was stunning in the old fashioned gown. The curve of the top complemented her body, bringing out the femininity that she so often hid. She blushed and looked down as she moved to sit down in a large chair. Her body was tired, Surely it was not easy to leave your body in death and then come back. She felt stiff and her muscles ached terribly. She felt like she had slumbered for years.

Vincent partially turned toward her. He kept his eyes turned down and is hair curtained his face in black silk. “Faye… I have to tell you,” he began. The door swung open at that moment and Cloud rushed in.
She noticed that his eyes were filled with tears, though hardly there. He rushed past a disappointed Vincent toward her. Faye was wrapped into Clouds arms and squeezed.
“Don’t do that to me again!” he demanded and sniffed trying to control his emotions.
“CLOUD!…Breathing…needed…to… LIVE!” Faye struggled slightly to get free enough to fill her lungs with air.
Cloud released her and wiped at his nose with his sleeve, “Sorry.”
“It’s alright…I’m just tired,” she stated.
Vincent gave her a look that broke her heart. His face clearly gave away the pain he was feeling. His pain covered an emotion she couldn’t really see. He turned and left silently. She stared after him longingly, her heart aching. She wanted to make that pain in his eyes go away.

Cloud looked back trying to see what she had become distracted by. He just barely caught the flash of light off Vincents boots as he disappeared out the door.
“He didn’t look so well when I came to get you…” Cloud admitted.
Faye’s gaze fell to her bare feet. She gave a little sigh.
“He just kept apologizing… and not once did he let you go,” Cloud told her.
“Cloud he watched me die…he has no feeling for me,” she replied sadly.
“Have you ever really looked at him?” Cloud nearly yelled.
He threw his hands up in frustration.
Faye would have laughed at the way his hair stuck out in all directions. It was always like that when he woke up. However the situation did not feel so light, and she was sure that her own hair was nothing better.
“He only has room in his heart for Lucrecia… that is how it’s always been,” she lied to herself.
“Stop it! Your chance at happiness is walking away,” Cloud snapped at her and pointed toward the doors.
“And yours is sleeping by the fireplace…” Faye mumbled lowly remembering how se had seen Cloud watch Tifa before.
“What?” He arched a brow at her.
“Nothing,” she said quickly. She let her chin fall against her collar.

Cloud sighed and stood up, shaking his head he stated, “You wont get anywhere if you don’t just come right out and tell him.” Cloud turned toward the door and paused, “You must be tired I will get Vincent…I am glad your ok.” With that said he turned on his heel and left her alone.

She was left with her thoughts for only a short moment… which she was incredibly thankful for. When the tall lean gunner came into the room she couldn’t really bring herself to look up at him.
“You may stay in the house as long as you like… it isn’t in the best shape but it’s a roof over your head,” he told her. His own eyes were turned down. His baritone voice was even as he held out his hand for her.
Reluctantly she took it and let him lead her up the stairs just outside the doors. She memorized how many steps he took and the length of his stride. It was his house which meant he knew every creak in the floor. She always made it a point to be utterly silent anywhere she went. When he stopped abruptly in front of her she had to carefully step around his shoulder. She took note that it was partially open.
Faye watched in silence as pushed it against the far wall. The room on the other side was dark with a king size four poster bed at its heart. The walls had been painted a dark crimson and the bed matched the black hardwood floor with satin sheets. She held down her surprise.

“I hope my room is acceptable,” he told her.
“Vincent… I can’t take your room,” Faye stammered.
“I insist, you will sleep most comfortably in here,” he remained firm as he led her in.
She let him steer her to the bed and she sat down. Clouds words hummed in her mind as Vincent turned his back to her. For a brief moment she let her eyes sweep over him. He had taken his cape off she was sure it was somewhere to be washed for it had been stained with her blood. She felt her breath catch for only a moment.
“Vincent wait!” She suddenly called out. Her mouth had acted without the ok from her brain.
He stopped abruptly, making his long silken hair flayed over his shoulders.
“I…I need to tell you..” she started dryly. “Vincent I..” she closed her eyes to try and swallow her nerves and fear, “ I..”
Faye was not aware of the soft deliberate footfall as he came across the floor toward her. She trembled with the effort of what she was trying to say.
Cool metal brushed against her cheek and she started, “I lo…” Her sentence was left to fall partially formed into the silence.

At first she was caught off guard. Her senses had suddenly been filled wit his presence. His smell, his cool metal gauntlet brushing over her skin, his hair sweeping past her face, it was all she knew at that moment. Heat spread over her entire body when his warm breath moved across her skin. Her eyes opened and she was gazing into his intense glowing crimson orbs. It made her tremble. She was stone still, unsure of what he was meaning to do at this proximity.
He inched forward until ever so gently his lips met hers.
Her mind exploded in pure bliss and blackness. Her heart was suddenly racing, and she was positive he could feel it thundering against her ribs. Faye circled her arms around his neck and pulled him toward her.
Vincents hand slipped to her lower back and he too tugged her closer. She flicked her tongue over his bottom lip and earned a low groan from him. She wasn’t surprised when he granted her access and in turn he deepened the kiss.
Carefully he pressed her back until she was laying across the bed. His heart, though racing slightly, finally felt that he had found peace. In that moment everything disappeared and all that remained was her. He scrambled to burn the memory in his head, absorbing everything; the low light on her hair, the way the shadows played havoc on her pale skin, her scent. Finally he had to pull away for breath.
Faye let her eyes flutter open when they parted. He hovered over her and she blushed furiously. Her blue eyes wandered over his face and his beautiful burning red gaze. She reached up and brushed the pad of her thumb over the gentle curve of his cheek. “Your eyes…”she mumbled, “They never changed.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Heres a little more fluff for all you readers out there. Lol I know I know FINALY. But hey I don't like going straight into the relationship... I mean seriously when does that ever happen in life? Anyway here it is and I am one more chapter closer to finishing the first part of this story series! Please comment for me!