Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

Sins Can Be Forgiven

Vincent paused in the door way, his gaze focused on the woman in his bed. She rested peacefully. She turned onto her side and buried her face into the pillow and settled again. He finally turned away from the room and made his way back down stairs.
‘Chaos… why didn’t you stop her?’ Vincent used softly t the demon.
‘I may hate the vampire but you are in love with the human…besides you were utterly pitiful when she was gone,’ Chaos growled sourly.
‘I see…’ Vincent nodded tiredly. Chaos did not reply and so Vincent sprawled out on the couch in the study to sleep.

Faye turned onto her side and groaned lightly as sleep fled from her mind.
‘You need to eat,’ Mai said softly.
The woman did not argue, instead she tried to get up. Her body felt heavy and every muscle in her was stiff and sore. She finally made it to her feet and she gripped one of the posts to keep her balance before finally moving on to the large bathroom. She was still in the old gown and she sighed softly. On the corner of the counter was a folded stack of clothing. She unfolded everything, a black tank top, a crimson bra and panty set, her tight leather pants, and her trench coat. She smiled softly.
After changing and hanging the gown up she headed down the stairs. She wobbled a few times and had to grip the banister to avoid falling flat on her face. At the base of the stairs her boots, socks and gun lay on a little table. She strapped her gun in place at her thigh and then put her boots on. Faye let her feet lead her through the house. She noticed that a blanket was thrown over the back of the couch. She yawned and rubbed at her eyes like a sleepy child. When she found the kitchen she pulled up short.
Vincent was not wearing his normal attire, instead he had donned a pair of loose fitted jeans and a t-shirt. His long straight black hair was pulled up into a loose pony tail.

With his hair pulled back she could see the line of his jaw and the soft curve of his neck. Faye bit her lip and traced the lines with her eyes; over his shoulder, up his neck, the curve of his jaw, and she took note of the few strands of hair escaping over his ear. She flushed a deep red. ‘God… he’s gorgeous,’ she thought. The idea had a slightly giddy feel to it. It finally hit her, just what exactly he was doing when the mouth watering smell of food cooking wafted past her. Her stomach gave a defiant roar, loud enough that Vincent turned to glance at her.
The alien feeling of his heart jumping to life accompanied the involuntary shift of turning. When his eyes settled on her he noticed a few things. Her hair, which was usually kept in orderly disarray was left askew. Her eyes were almost metallic silver. Her cheeks turned red instantly and she looked down at her stomach.
“Shut it you glutton,” she whispered in an appalled manner.
Her antics brought a tiny smile to his lips. “It isn’t anything great, but… I remember making this for you once when you were sick,” Vincent said as he spooned some soup into a bowl and handed it to her before serving himself.
“You are still the same Vincent I knew… at least on the inside,” she smiled at him, “though I’m not complaining about the changes.” She turned quickly to avoid him seeing the gleam of deviousness in her eyes.
She sat down at the table and ate slowly to avoid getting sick.
“Faye, I’m sorry,” Vincents low voice was even and firm. So much so that it brought her out of the enjoyment of the food.
“Why?” Faye looked up at him through the screen of her dark ashes.
“I had feelings for you long before I went to the Turks,” he looked anywhere but directly at her. His crimson eyes gleamed guilt.
“But,” she started. He cut her off.
“I knew you would get hurt, after I was around Hojo for a while,” emotions surfaced behind the guilt in his eyes, “When I wanted to return… to check on you, they told me you were gone.”
“You did the right thing Vince… you moved on,” Faye comforted in a gentle tone.
“But you were right in front of me,” he sounded a little stressed.

Faye stood and stepped easily toward him. Without a second thought she gathered him into her. Cradling him against her chest she rested her chin atop his head. “There will be moments when you do not notice things that at one time were important, but as we all do, you must not dwell on the past,” she spoke in a gentle calm voice. Faye thankfully felt him relax against her. “All that matters is right now, nothing less and nothing more… and know that sins are forgiven…you just have to ask for it,” she whispered.
A startled sound escaped Vincent’s throat. She looked down at him to find that he was staring up at her with wide eyes. She gave a knowing smile. He reached up and held onto her, one arm wrapping around her waist as he closed his eyes. The cool metal of his golden claws caressed her skin.
“I have forgotten the past… and I was doing quite well until I came back,” Faye mumbled.
Vincent was quiet for a moment before saying, “It’s my fault you are in pain.”
Faye stepped back and pulled a chair around with her foot. She sat next to him.
“Vincent,” she placed her hands on either side of his face and lifted his gaze to her own. “I will not lie to you, the pain I was in was your fault.” He tried to turn away, and she hated the way that had sounded. She saw the light fade from his eyes, “Listen to me damn it let me finish,” she said with a soft groan.
Again he met her eyes.
“I pushed myself through everyday… the last memory I had of you was a splash of crimson on the floor. I made myself live everyday because I could hear you nagging me in the back of my head… don’t you remember when my mom died? I said I wanted to follow and you made me promise that no matter what happened I would never just lay down and die,” she felt her heart clench, “If not for me then for you.”
Vincent saw vague images of her as a child. He saw the corner of her eye twitch and the brightness of her silver orbs faded.
“That is where the hurt came from. I was angry that I could not break my promise… that I had to live for you because I could no longer live for myself… I wanted so badly to just die,” she shook her head, “then when I saw you in the bar over a year ago, that pain came back from where ever it was I had managed to hide it… but it was guilt then… guilt for the thought that I had been selfish enough to want to leave.” She focused on where her fingers were fiddling with a lock of his onyx hair. She pushed it away from his face.
His gaze fell and Faye quickly stated, “No! Vince don’t blame yourself… I need you.” She felt her heart fall when his eyes glazed over a little.
Vincent wrapped his arms tightly around her, “Never again. I won’t let anything hurt you again.”
Faye smiled a tiny, soft smile and she relaxed against him, and whispered, “Thank you.”

After that he had returned to his normal self, though he seemed a little more at ease with life now. Days passed slowly and she regained her strength. She was alone on occasion and so she busied herself with fixing up the mansion. After a week and a half of hard work it wad almost as good as new. She was happy for once, Vincent lavished her with attention and the Avalanche gang come to visit while she was stuck in the house healing up. She made it a point to hunt regularly now and she was practicing more often to keep from losing her edge.

Vincent came through the door that no longer squeaked in protest of the movement. He found her lounging in front of a fire. She was sprawled out on her side like a big cat in the sun. She wore a tight fitting tank top over a pair of baggy silk pajama pants. She had her eyes closed. Vincent paused to look at her. The fire gleamed its flickering light on her perfect porcelain skin. She reminded him of Neneki, the way she was stretched out.
There was no denial she was as beautiful as she had been when they first met… even though she looked nothing like her old self. His heart ached for her attention for a moment and he shook his head.
“Anything new?” Her soft voice floated through the room.
He blinked, she still lay as she had been when entered. However her eyes were hooded and she was now watching him. Her eyes flashed with the light of the fire through her long thick lashes.
Vincent felt his heart tighten slightly. He shook his head, “no, but the children miss you terribly.”
A tiny smile flitted across her face. She rolled onto her back to gaze at him fully.

Vincent sat down in a chair and crossed one leg over his knee. He hid behind the high collar of his cape as she stretched and gave a long yawn. “You are feeling better I see,” he told her.
She nodded, “ I am.” Faye crawled to her feet and padded toward him. In less than an instant he had swept her into his arms. She curled against his chest and gave a content sigh. She was quiet as she looked into his eyes, she got lost in them. He too returned the stare, studying her features, desperately trying to memorize her relaxed expression. She reached up and caressed his cheek. He closed his eyes and rested his hand over hers.
He gave her one of his rare, pure smiles, the ones that flashed his brilliant white teeth at her. When she returned it without a thought his stomach flipped over. His whole body tingled when she shifted, brushing her hips across his. The gentle hand on his face was suddenly leading him forward.

She couldn’t help herself, she simply couldn’t really get enough. She pressed her lips to his and he reacted in an instant. A quick intake of breath made her pull away, she hid on the opposite side of his collar. “I’m sorry Vincent,” She blushed visibly. He said nothing, only lifted her chin and again their lips were pressed together. He flicked his tongue over her bottom lip and she opened her mouth a little to let him explore. Her body grew hot as her passion for him grew nearer to the surface. They broke apart quickly when the door opened.
Faye gave a low growl as she quickly crawled onto the floor to lay as she had been. To her surprise Vincents eyes flashed yellow-orange as Chaos momentarily surfaced. She gave a devilish smile his way when he snarled and bared his teeth.
The person who had come around the corner was Cloud. A wide grin played his features.
“Oh Cloud you have wonderful timing my brother,” Faye’s words were good natured but they practically dripped with sarcasm.
Cloud stopped mid stride and tilted his head in question. It appeared that he was still alittle unsure about the relationship between Vincent and herself.