Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

Party's and His Mark

"Anyways…" Faye started snapping him out of his stupor.
"OH! Right! Load up we are having a party!" Cloud said happily.
Faye fell dramatically onto the floor, "Noooo."
In mere seconds Clouds expression changed, "FAYE!" He had his arms crossed over his chest and he was glaring, "Get off the floor and get dressed."
Faye made her voice high and nasally and she childishly mocked him, making the most annoying facial expressions that she could manage. He seemed taken aback. She then stated, "Not on your life Chokobo Head."
"You will come!" Cloud argued stubbornly.
"You know I don’t do parties," Faye returned.
The whole time Vincent sat, watching the pair in silent amusement. They really did act like brother and sister. He snapped back from his musing when Cloud stormed across the room, flung Faye over his shoulder and headed towards the door.
"ALRIGHT! Alright! Let me get dressed!" She flailed. She had never enjoyed being carried really.
"Promise?" Cloud asked.
"Vincent help me!" She moaned dramatically.
"We will come," Vincent stated.
Faye fell limp against Clouds back, "Not what I meant Vince."
Cloud laughed in triumph.

"Shut it Chokobo, before I bite your fat ass," Faye yelled. She was thrown through the room quite quickly. She was slightly surprised he had the strength to do that with her… then again he did carry around a giant ass sword. The prospect of a vampire sinking teeth into him obviously wasn’t on his list of ok things. She had enough time to rotate her body around and land on her hands and knees on the wall above the archway. Any normal person would have fallen after a moment, but Faye stuck her landing like her palms and feet were coated in glue. The supernatural ability to walk straight up a wall and across a ceiling belonged to her rare species, Vampires. She glared at Cloud darkly.
"Make me!" She stated standing up. She was parallel to the floor now.
Worry flooded through Vincent. He knew she had little problem doing such things but it didn’t make him feel ok at all knowing this. Faye turned abruptly about and strode across the ceiling until she hung upside down directly over Clouds head.
"Just try to get me," She said triumphantly.
"Faye… please come down," Vincent asked. He had stepped in ready to catch her should her concentration lapse at all.

She lost the resolve of playing keep away from them. Vincents voice carried concern for her and she could tell his brow was furrowed under the crimson band. She sighed in defeat, "alright Vinny I will come down." She walked back down the wall and straight to him. He sighed visibly and she looked down like a child being scolded, "Sorry."
"See you soon," Cloud stated finally getting the idea of their relation. He quickly left.

Faye moped as she let Vincent lead her up the stairs. She changed quickly and wrapped her coat around her. She hefted her pistol from where it was sitting on the table and dropped it into the black holster at her thigh. She had spent the long morning fine tuning the weapon and the night before working on Cerberus for Vincent. She stepped out and Vincent led her out to where the fine snakeskin green viper waited. She dangled the keys in his direction, "Want to drive?"
He nodded and she tossed the keys to him before crawling into the passenger seat. She crossed her arms over her chest and continued pouting.
"Your cute when you pout…" he told her without a second glance.
Faye blushed furiously and smirked at him, "your…. No cute isn’t the word you are just sexy all the time."
It was his time to look a little shocked and she even giggled when his cheeks tinted red. He chuckled and pulled away from the mansion.

Tifa smiled as Marlene and Denzel ran about excitedly. The news of Fayes return had filled the pair with energy. The others that had gathered were also excited. They were sure she ha no idea what was going down, besides knowing it was a party. Vincent even got in on the plan. Tifa enjoyed the fact that they were staying together, it was official that they were a couple and about damn time in her opinion. Faye and Amaya had been back for two years now… yes many of the uneventful days went unrecorded by those involved. Amaya leaned against the wall near the door and when she heard voices on the thresh hold she quickly hushed the others into silenced.
"Vince… do we have to?" Faye whined. She had never really enjoyed parties.
"Trust me, it wont be bad," he reassured her.
Come to think of it the only parties she had been to were when she was a child. She always grew annoyed with the other kids and their selfishness, she eventually just stopped going and even neglected her own. She didn’t even tell anyone when her birthday was, there were four people who knew it and two were long since gone.
She let him circle his arm around her waist and lead her through the doors into the bar.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" the sound was over whelming.
It was loud enough to scare her out of her mind and send her diving for cover behind Vincent. She was however, intercepted in her attempt to avoid the verbal bullet barrage. She crashed into the floor.

Both of the children had pounced her and were clinging onto her. She laughed and rolled over so that she could hoist them up by the back of their shirts.
"First a party and then an ambush?" She arched her brow at them. Half of them laughed and Cloud and Amaya had the most sheepish looks on their face it was hard to remain serious.
"Well the ambush wasn’t part of the original plan," Cloud laughed.
Both of the kids laughed and flailed trying to escape. She sat them down and they attached to her hands and drug her away from the door like they fear she might run. Faye gave Vincent a sideways glance and the silent gunman shrugged his shoulders.
"Alright I suppose a party isn’t too bad," she said finally convincing the two she wasn’t going to run.

She was playing a video game against Cid and Cloud when the door opened. Faye found herself in mild shock when Vincent and Cloud beat her to the draw. Her pistol was only halfway from its holster while the other two had already replaced their weapons and relaxed. She blinked, "Damn… being dead really slowed me down."
This statement drew laughter from Cloud, "Or it made us faster."
She giggled, "More protective you mean."
Cloud shrugged, "that too."
She turned about when a pair of arms circled around her waist and it wasn’t Vincents scent that met her. She was met with a shock of red hair.
"Hey baby!" he chimed.
She gave him a blank stare," really Reno?"
He rested his chin on her shoulder, " I missed you."
Faye ignored him to smile at Rude.
"Reno… I do suggest you leave the lady be… Unless of course you want the Keeper of Cerberus to put you 6’ under," a familiar voice brought her attention around again.
Vincents eyes were blazing and his hand rested over his pistol.
"REEVE!" she chirped and darted across the floor to hug the man.
Reno in turn shifted away from Vincents glare.
"How are you Fye?" Reeve laughed and returned the friendly hug.
"I’m alive," She looked around him and furrowed her brow, "Where’s Cait Sith?"
"Oi, Ya think I would miss your birthday lass?" the little bot appeared from behind Reeves leg and gave a little bow.
"SITH!" She squealed and picked him up and hugged him.

"I win!" Cid cheered bringing all attention back to him. His cigarette bobbed on his lip as he spoke.
"You cheater!" Faye yelled. She sat Sith on his feet and leapt onto Cid. She clung to his back yelling as his spun around trying to throw her off. As she rounded near Cloud, Faye took hold of his Buster Sword. "Cheaters die!" She yelled waving the sword around.
"GAH! Get off yah crazy!" Cid squeaked and spun and clawed more erratically.
Cloud jumped in next taking the pair to the floor. "Gimme back my sword!" He yelled.
The others laughed and continued to watch. Vincent shook his head at her and leaned back against the wall. Amaya was practically dying from laughter, Faye was back to normal finally. Somehow the woman managed to wriggle from unter the two men to sit on their backs.
"Victory is mine!" she yelled, hoisting the heavy blade over her head.
Tifa broke up the scuffle by calling them for cake and ice cream.

Faye was sitting at the head of the table when Yuffie bounced in with a huge cake. Just looking at it made her salivate. She made her wish, blew out the candles -of which there were way to many for her liking- and then cut a huge chunk for herself. She gave Cloud a tiny piece and told him he had to watch his girlish figure.
This earned her a face full of icing. She returned the favor. When they were both satisfied that they had smeared plenty of cake and icing over each others faces there was a pause where they just stared at each other. They then busted out laughing. Eventualy everyone had eaten their fill and the icing was cleaned from Faye and Clouds faces. Yuffie leapt up and yelled something about presents.

Tifa and Cloud got her a new kit for her gun as well as a new pair of boots with nifty little daggers in the soles. She seemed far to excited about the daggers. Cid had made her a sweet hover board. Denzel, Marlene and Beret had gotten her a new pen set, a little box of drawing supplies as well as a new sketchpad. The kids specified that it was so that she could teach them how to draw. Yuffie gave her two special materia. She said that she was tempted to keep the dark purplish black one that glittered but decided that Faye should have it instead. Amaya got her a belt and gloves with the same charm that dangled from Vincents pistol. The gloves had the emblem engraved into the metal plates on the backs. Faye grinned. Neneki gave her three ravens feathers. She tied them into the side of her hair on long tethers of black silk. She knew the importance of the feathers and she smiled in gratitude at the feline. Reno and Rude tossed her a new trench coat, with the Cerberus symbol on the back and silver wings stretching across the shoulders. She laughed hysterically when she found a pair of Rude’s sunglasses in the pocket. She put them on and stood between them with a serious look. The others burst into laughter when she got them to strike the Charlie’s Angels pose. Reeve and Sith gave her a little robot.
For like thirty minutes she was utterly enthralled as she tried to figure out how to work it. Finally she got it to wake up for her and she couldn’t help but giggle in pure excitement when it shifted shapes into a little silver wolf a little smaller than Cait Sith. Reeve said that it was a just in case, if she needed anything he had programmed the little robot to find help. She nodded happily.

When she received the last gift she looked around. Everyone was beaming at her.
"Thanks guys," she laughed.
Her eyes landed on Vincent who was smiling behind the high collar of his cape, to bad for him she had figured out how to read his expressions even when he hid. He held a little rectangular black box in his hand, partially hidden in the shadow of his cape. He hid it from her quickly.
She arched her brow at him. Yuffie dragged her outside to try out her hover board. The little Wolf bot followed her easily at a trot, she called it Mafia. It took her a few tries to figure out how to stay upright and not crash but eventually she was zipping about on it sweeping easily past them. As night began to fall everyone said goodnight. She waved goodbye to Tifa and Cloud before climbing back into the car. The robot had gone into stasis in her lap.

When they got home she took it into the study and put it on the couch. She then danced back into the den where Vincent was looking at the Trench coat the two Turks had given her. He actually liked the fact that she would wear his symbol… in a way it marked her as his.
"Didn’t you get me a present?" she pushed out her lip in a pout.
He watched her for a moment before pulling out the box she had seen. He pushed it into her hand, "I didn’t know what to get for you."
She arched her brow at him and peaked inside. A beautiful bracelet faceted with stunning cut crystals stared back at her. "Vincent…is this…" she held it up and let the light gleame off it. Each crystal was tinted a different color.
"Each one is a different materia," he told her.
"Don’t let Yuffie know that," she grinned at him.
He chuckled and watched her admire it before he helped her put it on. He noticed that the moment it was fastened about her wrist it started glowing.
She hugged him and crashed her lips against his. He gave a low growl that sent shivers up and down her spine. He pinned her against the wall and pulled away letting his glowing eyes burn into her. She kissed his neck, nipping lightly here and there. He closed his eyes and groaned, she was making this extreamly hard to resist.
She felt her fangs lengthen, but she resisted and instead let him lead her up the stairs to his room.
♠ ♠ ♠
K I had to do the little gift bit because I use some of them later, Cids, Cloud and Tifas ECT Also the next one I post will be the lemon. I will mark it clearly so that you can skip it if you really want to. It will not affect the story in itself, and you will still know what happened if you don't read it, just because of the way I ended this one and how I will start the one after the lemon. SO just a heads up for everyone. ALSO i don't really know if you could cut materia... but deal with it for the story.