Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

I need you

When they were all safely back at seventh Heaven Vincent took in the damage. He was surprised at how well the wound had healed over. It was red and still tender but closed. He was caught off guard slightly when his window opened. For a moment there was nothing but the soft breeze of the out side world, but then he noticed movement. Faye came through the window easily. She looked slightly disheveled and there was something else he couldn't really see behind her bangs which were obscuring her eyes.

A chill ran the length of his spine when she closed the window securely behind her, as if she were trying to seal him in the room. In that same unnatural speed he had witnessed from her many times she flashed across the room and locked the door. It took a moment for his mind to register the way she stalked across the room toward him. Her feet were still as silent as they had always been but that wasn't what unnerved the gunman.

She reached a smooth, elegant hand out and brushed her fingers over his exposed chest. There was an exquisite slowness behind the movement and it sent jolts through him. She didn't show any reaction only kept her advance slowed and painfully enticing. He couldn't help the way his eyes swept over her body, outlined by the tight fit of her shirt and pants. The grip of her pistol glinted for a moment, strapped to the outside of her thigh it moved easily with each step. Finally she looked up at him. Her eyes gleamed pure, unadulterated lust. She suddenly captured his lips and pushed his opened shirt from his shoulders. She had to peel it over his gloves before tugging those off as well and letting them drop at their feet.

The sudden closeness of her body to his made him shudder and gasp. A sultry groan escaped her full lips and she threw her head back, her hips grinding into his. He involuntarily gripped the curve where her waist met her hips and pulled her closer. His mouth twitched open and his eyes fluttered closed when she teased him lightly. Her mouth brushed over his and she tugged gently on his lower lip gently before pulling back to watch him through half lidded eyes.
She pushed him back into the wall and spoke in a voice that was full of lust and seduction, "mm… Mr. Valentine."
He pulled her hips roughly against his and groaned. It was torment, pure and unleashed torture. She was drawing his need for her out and it was almost painful. Vincent was unsure just how long he would be able to control himself. For now he struggled against every human instinct in his body.

"I have a favor to ask you," she growled and tangled her fingers in his hair. Faye pulled his head back to expose his throat to her.
A husky grunt was her ok to continue.
"Don't ever do that to me again," her mouth hovered centimeters from his throat and she brushed her lengthened fangs over the pulse there, letting them press against his skin, but not puncture. She kissed that spot, flicking her tongue over the heat of his blood before looking up at him. A devious smile pulled at her mouth when he opened his eyes partially to let them blaze at her. She nipped at his ear lobe, "I will have to do terrible things to you…if you do not obey that request." He growled, the sound low and deep in his chest.
One last time she nipped at his shoulder and practically purred, "I need you Vincent."
That was all he could take. All his control flew out the window.

Cloud fidgeted, "something's wrong. He would be down by now." He was most concerned about Faye's reaction if she came and Vincent was not well. He started for the stairs but Amaya stopped him.
"I wouldn't do that," she said in a singsong voice.
Cloud paused at the landing and looked over at her, "Why?"
Amaya looked up at the roof as if she could see through it to the floor above, "I have been around her for a long time… she would not like to be interrupted."
Cloud's brow furrowed for a moment, "Who?"
Amaya smirked, " Faye. She has been up there with him for a while now."
Clouds eyes widened a little in realization and he made a face.
"Lucky bastard Vincent…" Cid muttered, the unlit cigarette bouncing on his lip as he spoke.
Tifa blushed but laughed as though it would hide it, "leave them be Cloud."
"At least someone's getting some… and with Vincent too. Lucky bitch," Amaya wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at Cloud. Cid laughed as she echoed his earlier statement in a teasing manner. Tifa flushed brighter and turned on some music to provide some sort of comforting noise in the bar.

After a while Faye came down the stairs. Vincents cape was thrown around her shoulders She held onto it and carried it off the ground for it dragged thanks to her short height. She placed the cape on the table in his corner and tied the long red sash around her hips. She then flopped back to sit on the table with a content sigh.
"So Vincent isn't too damaged then?" Amaya arched her brow at the blonde gunslinger who was trying to straighten one unruly Cloud-like spike of hair.
"Couldn't you have waited till you got back to Nibelheim?" Cloud made a face at her.
Faye shook her head, "tch no. I would have lost the urge by the time we got there."
Cloud shook his head , "I don't want to know."
"You are gonna explode if you don't work that sexual tension out Cloud," She smirked at him.
"Shut up Faye," Cloud blushed like mad.
"Wanna know something?" Faye gave a wolfish grin.
"No. I don't particularly want to know how my friend is defiling my sister," the blonde swordsman through his hands up in the air.
"It's good," She stated suggestively. She laughed hysterically at the blush on Tifa's face and the way Cloud plugged his ears like a child. Cid had also busted into hysterics and Amaya just shook her head.

Vincent came down the stairs drying his long hair with a towel some time after. He was clad in his leather pants with his shirt undone. The top of the pink scar was most visible among the many others that lined his muscled chest. His hair fell slightly into his face on the right side and he didn't bother trying to adjust it knowing that it would simply fall right back. Faye pulled a hair tie from her wrist and pulled his hair back in a loose pony tail at the nape of his neck. Yuffie tripped over a chair when she came in the door, her face tinted with red and her eyes wide. She let him untie the sash from her waist as she laughed at Yuffie. The ninja was staring at Vincent with her mouth agape. As Faye strung his came over his shoulders Yuffie stated, "Damn Vinny!"
Faye nearly tumbled off the table from laughing so hard, "I know right?!"
Vincent simply arched his brow as he watched Faye for a moment. He shook his head and smirked behind the high collar of his cape before buttoning up his shirt and going to find food.
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Just a heads up readers. This is a little bit suggestive. XP