Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus


Amaya struggled to hold Faye as she thrashed about. Suddenly she screamed out, “No!” and as her voice trailed away she mumbled, “Vincent…”

Cloud looked over at the man in red one eyebrow raised in question. Vincent stood and motioned them to follow, “she can stay in my room.” Amaya lifted her friend with little trouble and carried her up the stairs to where Vincent was holding open the door to a room. She laid her on the bed and took the time to adjust some of her weapons. She removed the two guns from the back of Fayes’ belt and laid them on the bed next to her. She then moved away and to the door, she paused, “thank you…” Vincent was a bit shocked but he shook it away as he sat in a corner of the room.

He had been sitting there for a while when the door opened and Marlene came running in. She moved to sit next to Faye on the bed. Fayes’ hands unconsciously gripped the gun and moved them to the pillow away from the child. Marlene curled up next to her and clung to her side. Vincent watched her silently and the way she moved to protect the girl even in the state of unconsciousness. He closed his eyes and folded his arms settling in behind his collar to rest.

Faye stirred and turned over to pull the warmth next to her closer the girls familiar sent filling her nose. She opened her eyes and moved only enough to place her spare guns back into place at the back of her belt. The room around her was sparsely decorated, a dresser and closet next to a door where she supposed the bathroom was located. The bed was covered in crimson to match the dark walls of the room. “He died…you know as well as I he was dead,” she said to the voice in her head.

Vincent watched her still unseen in the dark corner of the room. “He was in love with her… never me…How could I have grown so close… I don’t even remember past that first day in those damned tubes,” she was talking to herself, arguing was more to the affect. She growled low in her frustration. “Shut up, you know nothing,” She growled. He felt the urge to chuckle at her, she sounded much like he could imagine he and Chaos sounded when they argued. “What are you mumbling about gunslinger?” He asked his voice cool and emotionless.

Faye fell silent and growled, “Fuck.” He stood and left the two girls curled on his bed. He made his way down stairs to where the others sat around the bar talking with Amaya. “She alright?” Cid asked as he noticed the gunman moving toward them. Vincent closed his crimson eyes and nodded. Tifa sat a glass of whiskey down for him and he took a sip of it. “Did anyone notice she called out Vincent’s name?” Yuffie asked from where she sat on the end of the bar. Beret nodded, “What’s so bad about her past anyway?” he paused, “has anyone even known what her past is?” Everyone shook their heads. Cloud sighed, “That information died with Zack.” “She doesn’t talk about it… and don’t ask her about it either, she will just go on about not dwelling in the past,” Amaya replied swirling the remnants of her wine in the bottom of the glass.
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(its a little short again)