Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

The Gift of Trust

There were another few days of calm amid the storm. Faye was sitting near the fire with her sketch pad open on her knees and two pencils stuck behind her right ear. She held a blue one in her mouth as she switched out the two to mark down where she would later place shading and then swapped the two again. Vincent was seated in the chair a few feet away, cleaning his gun.
Occasionally she would glance up at him from the corner of her eye, study him carefully before turning back to sketch a little more. She had captured his likeness with little to no effort at all. It would be the third picture drawn in the sketch pad, the first was a study of his pistol and the second was a study of Fenrir.

Vincent was well aware of her eyes as they passed over him, but he did not pay it any mind at all, she was content to draw and so he was content to remain still enough for her to study. He could hear the pencil leaving dark grey trails over the paper, a pause and a little more movement, a pause again, and a grown of frustration. The eraser drawn lightly over the mistake and then dropped onto the floor where it bounced into the sole of her boot.
He startled her when he asked about her latest ink, and she was quite relieved he had chosen a moment when her pencil had yet to meet paper. She had gotten the Cerberus symbol set between the wings on her shoulders. The chained tail stretched down her spine and over her left hip a little.
"Its already scabbed and peeled, you haven't seen it?" She tilted her head.
"No I was gone with Neneki and Amaya," he told her as if reminding her was second nature even though he knew she remembered just as well.
"And I was with Tifa and Yuffie, Right," She covered her face with her palm, "Sorry I forgot."

He gave a small gentle smile, and it went unconcealed for his cape hung loosely off the back of his chair. "Can I see it?"
Faye sat her sketch pad down and tugged the pencils from behind her ear to discard them on the floor near her pad and eraser. She then stepped over toward him and she easily pulled her shirt over her head. She strode to the arm of the chair and turned her back toward him, tilting her head down a little. She felt his ungloved finders dance lightly across the marks as he studied it.
" No there is no doubt about who's side I am on," she looked at him over her shoulder.
"It looks good," he replied letting his fingers remain on her skin.
She turned toward him and suddenly became serious, "can I give you something?"
Vincent arched his brow at her, it was nearly hidden under his red sash, "you have something for me?"
"I need your permission first Vincent," she pulled her shirt back on, watching as he pushed a now clean Cerberus back into its holster. "I have to take something to allow you to have it."
"I trust you Faye," he murmured at her.

She nodded and climbed up in the chair with him to startle his hips. "It will hurt… but only for a moment," she held her gaze and looked into his crimson eyes.
He caressed her face gently, "I will live."
She would have smiled had she not known how easy it was for that statement to go wrong. She kissed his jaw and then kissed down his neck. The scent of his blood was strong. She leaned down and kissed the pulse of life below his skin one more time before gently pressing her sharp canines into his neck.
They broke through and his arms tightened around her. She could practically see his eyes clenched tight and his teeth bared. The grip around her was constricting but she resisted to draw deeper. The small amount of blood that pushed past her teeth set her body on fire.

She stroked the side of his face with her thumb. He did not relax and the muscles in his neck contracted around her fangs as if trying to keep her from delving any deeper. She finally closed her teeth, sinking them deep into the flow of blood. The fire that was his life force flooded over her tongue. Her mind was searing and alive. It was amazing. She had never felt so much energy before.
Memories flashed before her and she winced when the sensual pull turned painful. She ignored it and forced herself to watch the images. She was well aware of the fact that after the initial shock of pain it became very enjoyable to be fed from… it was just a way to relax the prey and keep them from thrashing about to much. Vincent gave a stifled groan of enjoyment and it sent a ripple of excitement through her.
She couldn't help but moan against his neck and flick her tongue over his skin. He twitched slightly at the sensation before melting back into the chair. She broke away with a gasp. The way he was sitting in the chair twisted Cerberus onto the top of his thigh. His twitch had pushed the gun into a very sensitive part of her body. He shifted again and her body reacted accordingly. Her eyes hooded and she tugged at his hair, moaning. It wasn't exactly her fault vampires were sexual creatures.

Vincent could feel the blood pouring from the punctures. He might have worried had she not dipped her head to lick what had run from the wound and then flick her tongue over the pin holes to seal them.
"If you keep teasing me with that gun I will take more than just your blood," she whispered roughly in his ear before kissing the little pink scars
He gave a low growl that rumbled through him and into her. "You can not take what is willingly given," his voice carried a husky note to it.
She smiled at him and shifted to the side to push his holster back onto the side of his leg. She let her fingers trail across his thigh. She decided to test her gift. She locked his gaze with her silvery blue eyes. She probed into his mind, seeking just a little break. She found the wall that blocked her and it hovered in her minds eye like a red haze. She pushed ever so gently, "Vincent let me in."
He could feel that someone had pushed against the barrier of his mind. A gentle voice urged him to allow access. He blinked. Faye seemed completely concentrated, her eyes were a little distant and glazed slightly. Tentatively he dropped the guard and waited. He was somewhat tense as her hand pressed lightly on his upper thigh completely aware of the contact and the vulnerability of letting someone into his mind.

She watched as the red disappeared allowing her access. His mind was split and she followed the gentler side she recognized.
'Speak to me Vincent, you are now completely connected to my mind as I am yours,' she urged gently.
'Is this what your gift was?' his deep voice easily played through her mind. She saw him quirk and eyebrow at her lightly as he tested the connection.
'Yes… I can only reach or hear you if I have taken your blood,' she replied. A smile broke over her face, brilliant and shining, showing off her teeth. 'You can easily find me now… no matter how far away,' she informed. On the outside Faye was grinning at the utter silence that hung over the unspoken conversation. She was sure that it would come in handy, for the horizon still promised destruction.

Vincent was aware of her sudden presence in his head. He took note that she didn't pry for the secrets he might have hidden or the memories, she was just there. She filled up the space inside him with a gentle calm. When her thoughts echoed over him and her mouth did not move, he couldn't help but feel a wave of surprise wash over him. This was an intimate thing she was sharing. She had given him unmonitored access to her thoughts and memories. On the outside he saw her smile and felt her fingers play in his hair. He couldn't help but notice just how beautiful she was. How much her gentle but marble features eased his pain from Lucrecia. This moment changed their relationship, with nothing more than a small gift of trust. They learned each other inside and out in the days that followed.