Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus


Vincent was not surprised to find her gone at daybreak. He still couldn't fathom just how she managed to escape his grasp without even waking him at all. It was the same on many occasions. He would wake to find a pillow wrapped in his arms where Faye had fallen so easily into a peaceful sleep. With an amused smirk he thought she would make a better ninja than Yuffie was at times. Shaking his head he got up and gave a stiff stretch. A note rested on her side of the bed where her pillow would have been had he not woken with it clutched against his chest.

" My love,
I will return in a day. My job requires me to travel a ways. If anything I can't handle comes up I will call so don't worry too much. I love you, and I am sorry for leaving you to wake alone. See you soon.

Faye was already quite a ways away. Her sleek bike of bright silver, resembling Clouds Fenrir, roared under her as she sped along the road. She reached her destination at about mid day. Parking her bike she gave a stretch to loosen up the muscles in her back . Thanks to the map provided by what Mai had absorbed from Chaos, she found her way easily to what she sought.
She followed the path that was hardly seen under the over growth. The mouth of the cave was dark and gaping before her. Faye paused for a moment. She was momentarily content to gaze down into the darkness that was lingering in the mouth of the cave. She was content to stall. She finally gave in and heaved a sigh before submerging herself into the dark.
The tunnel was dotted with glowing Mako crystals. When she was sure she would have to stop and rest for a little while the shaft finally opened up into a wide cavernous chamber. The blazing crystals lit the spacious room with a beautiful blue light. She strode forward slowly, almost as if she really did not want to. Faye paused at the edge of the pool of water, surrounding a huge crystal pillar. At the heart of the Mako pillar was the person of interest. She ground her teeth together.
"You…" She growled, "How could you?"
There was no answer. The only sound was her voice as it echoed off the walls back at her. She had almost been hoping for a reply, a laugh a snide remark something… anything. However she didn't really expect it to happen.
"How could you!?" Faye yelled. Her eyes flashed her anger as tears swelled.
Her voice sent ripples over the water at her feet.
'So sorry.' There was her reply and yet it wasn't what she had wanted at all. The voice that spoke was heavy with remorse.
"You…you broke me. I was content to see him so happy… you killed him!" Her tears fell freely down her cheeks now. Each little droplet sent ripples over the waters surface.
"Have you seen what you did?" Faye whispered.
'So sorry'

"Why did you let it happen in the first place?" Faye looked up at the woman before her. For a moment she forgot everything. She was so beautiful… no wonder Vincent fell for her so hard.
She blinked, seeing tears slip down Lucrecia's cheek and hearing the woman speak her name.
'I am so sorry.'
Faye bit her lip, "I should hate you…how badly I want to loath your very existence." Faye fell onto her knees, her hands dangling on the earth under her. "For all my strength… I can not."
'Make him happy.'
"You kept him alive… it was a horrible thing you did… but still he is here now because of what you did. For this and only this… I forgive you," Faye said through her tears.
'Thank you.'
She let go. Relentlessly the tears from so many years of holding back spilled down her face, staining the ground. Eventually she cried herself to sleep. Her dreams were fitful flashes of her memories. His face, his voice… that's how it started.

'Faye,' his deep voice was but a throaty growl. For a brief moment she saw wisps of long silky black hair, and him moving over her. His eyes burned down at her, full of passion and hunger. That was gone and it was replaced with his smiling visage in their youth. Cloud…Cid…Tifa…Yuffie…Neneki, and Barret. Then Zack's face smeared with blood as he said goodbye. There were brief moments of the many battles she had fought. A moment of Hojo holding a pistol, Lucrecias horrified face and Vincent dying on the floor. Agony of loss would flood her and she whimpered.

She had yelled, sobbed, forgiven and cried herself to sleep. Lucrecia watched as she thrashed about in unwelcome dreams. Deep down she wanted to reach out and comfort the woman, smooth the creases of pain from her forehead. She listened closely and heard her whimper.
"Vincent! Oh Lucrecia what have you done?" tears spilled over Fayes closed lashes.
Lucrecia was suddenly aware of a very unwelcome presence entering her tomb. Fear swelled in her chest and she reached out to wake the woman curled on the earth.

"Faye" a familiar voice prodded at her. "You must get up!" The woman appeared before her. Lucrecia. Faye furrowed her brow.
"You must hide!" Lucrecia said urgently. Her head shifted to look at something Faye couldn't see.
"Wake up! Hurry they are coming!"

Quite suddenly she was jerked from her dream.
Faye woke when something sharp dug into her neck. It was all too familiar. Her vision blurred but she saw the face of Hojo as everything went black.
"Why wont… you just stay….dead," she bit out as she gave into the darkness of the sedative.
She woke again with a pounding headache. She found herself in a black room and she groaned, "this is becoming far too familiar." She reached into the top of her boot and pulled out her cell. A text would have to suffice for her mind was still hazy. The phone fell away when she was plucked from the floor rather toughly. She gave a woozy snarl as they dragged her. Inside she struggled desperately to rouse the vampire inside herself.