Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus


“Well let’s retire for the night,” Tifa said softly seeing that it was well into the night. “Vincent you can take the spare room where she would be staying,” Tifa offered.
“I will be fine,” He said as he moved away from the bar and toward the door. Everyone moved to their rooms in the upper story of the bar, and Tifa turned off the lights waving goodnight to Vincent as his crimson eyes flashed and turned away.

Morning came early and Tifa met Vincent downstairs where he was seated at the bar. The others followed slowly until all but Faye and Marlene were gathered at the bar.
“She still out?” Cloud asked as he watched Tifa run about behind the bar.
Tifa nodded, “Marlene is curled up with her too.”
Beret smiled at the idea of his little girl being happy again. “So what happened? That she run off like she did,” Cid asked.
“She took off after Zack died,” Cloud said softly.
“She just come running, crying about leaving her alone just like everyone else… and we never seen her after that,” Beret stated.
“So she was close with Zack then?” Yuffie asked.
“He adopted her as his sister pretty much,” Cloud mumbled.

“He and Marlene were the closest to a family I had,” Fayes’ voice startled them as she moved down the stairs. Marlene was clinging to her back and she adjusted the girl when she sat down so she was cradled in her arms. The room was silent and her now solid blue eyes scanned them. “
Tifa have you seen Marlene?” A boy was standing on the stairs.
“You must be Denzel,” Faye said as she looked at the boy, “Marlene has told me of you.” Amaya smiled gently, Faye had not spoken so much since… well since forever, though her voice was till neutral and revealed nothing of her emotions. “Eat some breakfast and then we can go, I promised Marlene I would take you out today,” Faye said moving so Marlene could sit in her seat and eat something.

Denzel came to sit next to her and Faye moved away where she could lean against the wall on the far side. Amaya stepped up beside her, “let’s go out and practice while the kids eat hm?”
Faye nodded stepping away from the wall and toward the door, “anyone else coming?” Everyone but Tifa nodded and followed them out the door. Tifa stayed behind to feed the kids.

“Alright Fye lets go,” Yuffie stanced in the open field.
Faye took her time to swap her usual bullets for some rubber tips. She sat a belt with her ammo on the ground next to Amaya and loaded the cylinder of both revolvers with rubber bullets. She replaced them in the holsters and folded her hands behind her back.
“Alright if you won’t start,” Yuffie launched herself at Faye her shuruken poised to kill, “I will.” Faye remained still as the ninja sprang at her.

The others stood silently by watching. Amaya was smirking as she watched Faye stand stoically in the heat of battle. She stepped away as Yuffie slashed down with the sharp point of her star. The ninja slid to a stop behind her and turned. Faye remained still and relaxed. Without her coat she could move easily to her guns and her body silhouetted smooth in the morning light. Yuffie leapt again and Faye stepped out of the way and stuck her foot out. Yuffie went sprawling on the ground. Faye crouched down her arms rested on her knees and waited for Yuffie to attack again. “Why won’t you hit me?” Yuffie asked knowing full well that this gunslinger could have knocked her out both times.