Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

Shoot to Kill

“Why should I hit you when I can let you harm yourself?” Faye returned the question.
Yuffie was confused as she sat up and dusted herself off. Without warning the ninja kicked out. Faye caught the foot in one hand barely inches from her face. Yuffie pushed herself off the ground and spun, kicking with the other foot. Faye caught the other foot and jerked her hand the opposite direction flinging Yuffie a good 50 ft away. The ninja landed and threw her star at Faye. Faye bent backward, the star narrowly missing her and flying away behind her. She righted herself and raised an eyebrow at Yuffie. A smirk played on the girls lips. Faye gave a sigh as her ears caught the sound of wind curling back over metal. She flipped back, landing on the center of the star sending it to the ground.

“My turn my turn!” Amaya called as Yuffie moved off in defeat. Amaya stood ready in front of her friend.
“You know I will use my guns on you,” Faye let her hands fall to hover over her pistols.
“Wouldn’t want it any other way,” Amaya smiled her hands resting along the handles of her katanas.

Every one moved back a little ways seeing how serious the two were. This time Faye launched, flying and swinging her foot out low. Amaya dodged and Faye flipped to jump at her again. Amaya drew both swords and slashed out. Faye dove and came up on the other side of her katanas.

Amaya kicked out and Faye jumped away. Amaya gritted her teeth, she knew that Fye was not trying her hardest. To her companion this was more play than anything. Amaya jumped after her and caught her off guard on her landing, cutting open the stomach of her shirt. Her stomach began to bleed, “about time you hit me.”
Amaya’s smirk faded when Faye drew her left hand pistol and fired once. She could not follow the motion and before she knew it a searing pain pushed against her chest. She fell backward and lay flat on the ground.
“Even,” Faye said kneeling down next to her friend. She pulled her to her feet.

“Where did she hit you?” Yuffie asked looking for a bullet wound. Amaya pulled at the collar of her shirt, under her shirt there was a huge bruise bleeding only a little. The bruise was directly over her heart.

“Faye finds it hard to shoot other than to kill,” Amaya commented. Faye tossed one of the practice rubber tip bullets to Yuffie to examine. “Let me tell you sometimes its worse than really being shot,” Amaya grimaced. Cloud went next sparing against Cid. Faye watched with little interest as she spun the cylinder of her left hand pistol Wrath and flipped it shut only to break it open and spin the cylinder again.

In the end both of them wore down and it came down to Cloud taking Cid down…even though Amaya saw it as an accident. Vincent had been watching intently while Faye fought. He was suspicious of this woman, she hid something from everyone. Cloud nudged him seeing him watching Faye from the corner of his crimson eyes. Vincent looked over at the blond and sighed when he was motioned out to spar. Faye narrowed her eyes. ‘Vincent could fight… at least the Vincent I knew could…let us see if what they claim is true,’ she smirked as something in her moved anxiously. Amaya fidgeted nervously as she saw Faye step forward. “Be careful Fye, he will not play,” Beret warned.
Faye looked back at him, “I do not expect him to.”

She flipped Wrath closed and slipped it into place at her side. Vincent stood still his cloak swirling around him hiding his arms from view. Faye shrugged, usually she watched her opponents’ upper half, seeing as most moved from there, but she focused in on his feet. She relaxed, shifting her feet to get comfortable. It seemed like they stood like this for hours, just waiting. Cloud and the others grew anxious; something in the air told them it was a dangerous situation. Suddenly without warning the two images flickered and then disappeared.