Sequel: Amethyst Moon
Status: Completed

Keeper of Cerberus

The Gun Battle

There were flashes of them locked in hand to hand for a start. Then Vincent was thrown backward. He flipped in mid air drawing Cerberus and firing one round, the others heard three shots. He landed and held his pistol at arms length. Faye fell to the ground, her form crouched and her face turned down. She stood and blood spurted from a gash along her exposed hip where her shirt had hiked itself up. The bullet had caught her along the hip and just barely inside her left arm. The blood stopped to a small drip and she broke her pistol open popping out two spent cartridges. Every one turned back to Vincent. He staggered a bit and gripped at his side, and then the second clasp holding his cloak closed shattered.
“I missed…” Faye said blankly emptying the rest of her rubber tips into a pouch on her holster.

She moved away from him and strapped her belt back on reloading with her real bullets again.
“Did you see how fast she is?” Yuffie asked excitedly.
“She actually hit him… TWICE!” Cid said.
Faye sighed, knowing Vincent’s dignity was at risk and she turned back toward them, “I missed… he actually hit me.”
“But only a graze,” Beret said tilting his head.
Faye shook her head, “more than that, if I am not mistaken he was aiming to disable my mobility, after all a target that moves in reaction to the barrel of your gun is harder to hit than one who can not move away fast enough, a bullet to a ball and socket joint is more than painful, I would have been down to one leg, if his bullet hadn’t deflected off the butt of my gun.” She turned her pistol over to show the large furrow in the metal.

“But if you had been using real bullets you would have pierce his chest!” Cid exclaimed.
“Take a closer look, it grazed along his chest as he turned caught the buckle at an odd angle, as for the other, Amaya told you I shoot to kill… take a look at where it hit him,” Faye moved back toward the bar.
“Why are you refusing to be praised Yuffie asked her.
Faye looked up at the clouds gathering in the sky, “When I have done nothing to be praised? You are young Yuffie; you will understand what it is when someone steals your win.” Without another word she disappeared in a flicker of black.

Cloud moved over to Vincent who had returned to his usual demeanor. Sure enough you could see where the hot rubber had grazed his cloak. He could also see that the other had barely passed close enough to cut through the leather of his clothing and bruise just below the last rib. “She wasn’t lying…how could she see that?” Cloud stated.
“When you have spent so long behind a gun you know what a good shot is and what isn’t,” Amaya answered him.

Vincent played it over and over again in his head, had she even really shot at all? Everything moved in slow motion as he saw her stand and the blood on her side. ‘She has skill,’ the deep voice ruptured his own thoughts. ‘You pick terrible times to voice your opinion Chaos,’ Vincent returned. Chaos laughed softly, ‘well it is truth is it not?’ Vincent sighed and moved with the others toward the bar again.