While He's Away

This story is about love and drama. The love between friends is strong, and can sometimes grow stronger when feelings change. But it’s not always easy to have feelings for a friend when you happen to be in a long term relationship. Having to choose who you want is even harder when the one your already with, is fighting in a war thousands of miles away.

This will be one of my favorites that I’ll write. Partly I think because it’s based on a true story, and I’m changing how I usually write my Green Day stories. This story will be set in current time because the Iraq war will be going on in it. Even though it’s set in the 2000‘s, the guys will be in their late teens/early twenties, just to fit with my character. I also wanted to write this set in current time because I found out how much of a bitch it is for people to not have cell phones in the late eighties/early nineties.

Rylie Ann Ebony (aka Rae) is a our main character. She loves her friends and loves her boyfriend dearly. But when he’s shipped off too war and leaves her in the hands of her two best friends, things begin to change. What will happen while he’s away….?
  1. My True Friends
    June 15
  2. The Concert
    Still June 15
  3. I'm Not Drunk!
    Later that night
  4. July Came Too Soon
    July 11, few years later
  5. Dookie
    Aug 12
  6. Day Off
    Aug 19
  7. What Just Happened?
    After the park
  8. Embarrassing Night
    Late night party
  9. Thanks For Still Being My Friend
    The next morning
  10. This Guy's Really Bugging the Shit Out of Me
    Still the same morning
  11. Smoke the Sadness Away
    At Mike's apartment
  12. Burning Out
    Early Sept. Billie's point of view
  13. Am I That Desperate?
    Late Sept.
  14. Tension at Shore Side Bar
    Night out
  15. Crazy Train
    Still at the bar