Status: Finished. :]

Kids in Love


Lizz danced around the room with a smile that screamed that she knew something she wasn’t supposed to know. I watched her for a full five minutes as she pranced around our apartment.

“I can’t take it anymore! What do you know that you shouldn’t know?” I asked.

“Trick is coming over,” Lizz sang.

“Your brother is coming?! You could’ve given me more warning!” The doorbell rang and Lizz skipped over. She pulled the door open and bounced in excitement.

“PATRICK!” Lizz squealed as she hugged her older brother tightly.

“Hi Lizz,” he laughed. “I missed you, too.” She clung to him. “Can you let go?”

“If I didn’t have a date with Derek that I was already almost late for,” Lizz rambled quickly, knowing Patrick didn’t approve of her dating still. “I’d hug you longer, but I have to go. Bye! Claudia, behave!” She released her brother and quickly dashed out of the apartment with her vest falling off her arms as she made her escape.

“Who the hell is Derek?”

“The boyfriend,” I muttered, rolling my eyes. “Do I not get my hug?”

“Sorry,” Trick grinned as he crossed the room and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest as I hugged him back. “I missed you. When are we going to tell everybody?” He kissed my forehead.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I wish we didn’t have to hide that we were dating anymore. It would make life a lot easier…”

I looked up at him and our eyes met momentarily before he gently kissed my lips.

“I forgot my… Oh my god!” Lizz squeaked. “Did I just see what I thought I saw? Let’s pretend that didn’t happen, kay? Just like… Take two steps apart and I’ll get my shoes and leave!” She dashed into her room and came out a minute later with two almost identical shoes, slipping them on as she walked towards the door. “Ew.” She shook her head and closed the door as she left.

“Think she’ll tell?” I asked.

“She’ll never want to speak of it again,” Patrick grinned before he kissed me again.


“I can’t believe I’m gone for two minutes and you guys are MAKING OUT!” Lizz shouted as she paced back and forth in front of Patrick and I on the couch. “I mean, I’ve still got my youthful innocence!”

“Liar!” I interjected, quickly covering my mouth when she glared at me. Derek was sitting in a chair across the room, and he looked away, knowing I knew everything.

“The last thing I ever wanted to see was my brother and best friend making out! I guess the worst on my list would be to see you guys doing it…” She stopped and got a horrified expression. “OH MY GOD! EW!” She quickly ran into her room and slammed the door.

“I should be going…” Derek said quietly, trying to dismiss himself without having to explain anything to Patrick.

“Who wants a cookie?” I asked, getting up.

“I’m good. See ya, Claudia, Patrick." He nodded and quickly left.

“They did it, didn’t they?”

“I got details.” Trick and I cringed at the same time.

“You know what?” I gave him a confused look. “It doesn’t matter.”

I put my hand on his forehead. “Are you getting sick?”

“It doesn’t matter because she knows now and…” He seemed nervous. “I love you.”

I slowly grinned. “I love you, too.” He smiled and cupped my cheek with his hand before he pressed his warm lips to my own.