Glacial Whisper


His calm, regular breathing revealed long years of experience. Swollen wood floating lazily and a stick with molded tips swinging in his arms. Slow progress and attrition.

What is the point to life if there is no hope of a surprise? And yet he did not question himself. He had learned to lay doubt aside and to skin it for its impertinence if it were necessary. It is a gargantuan load to carry such a spirit; reflective by nature but decided by conviction. One who grabs life in its palm and crushes it with strong fingers with the certainty of ascending to the heavens. Is it possible to be immaculate? Most surely, it’s just not so easy for a human being. It is impossible not to notice how in a perfectly balanced and peaceful natural world only we come to ruin such superior system . The wanderer had chosen to sit back and admire the work put before him, but sometimes felt like men pulled him to their gray and smelly world and forced to face them until he could not take it anymore. Faced with these earthborn temptations, is it possible to close your eyes?

By now they were open, but only the mist welcomed them. Same mist that he recycled with his inhalations. There’s no denying he moved, but not entirely on his own . He only did so as one more element of the environment. One with everything. Just as uncertain as the floating steam and the barely perceivable waves, surrendered to chance and sunk deep in his own nonexistence. He had long forgotten his voice, and with it any distinction between him and the others, actually it was quite possible that, violating several dimensions, he bad become part of that second group. And he seemed to accept it.

The whole absorbed him in a fatherly embrace without questioning or judging anything, decisions were made and time ran steady, pushing events was useless, as was any sketch of life among humans. That incessant swarm which ends up going crazing them with madness much deeper than the one they themselves condemn among lunatics. They end up tying themselves to their senses and thoroughly convinced that the tangible is all reality without realizing that living in an insane and unreal world is many times much more noble than fitting into a system that you did not create, nor chose, and would be completely naive in thinking you can change. And only to reach those last moments when you encounter the infamous tunnel of light that so many religions describe, and wonder why did you do this or that, wishing to have taken another path, as most end up in waste and deception. The only reason religion rewards repentance is because it guides us through lives that are worthy of repenting.

Well Θ wanted none of this, he rejected them all, and chose water, air and time as his only companions. Few would blame him. They are quiet company, jealous and secretive, that offer without asking much. And that let the seeker find peace.

Time is a glacier floating in boiling water, while you stand still at the top. Nobody escapes the passing of time except those lucky ones not yet born. It runs the same for all, it’s objective, hard, like impenetrable vault of lead. It listens to no mercy pleas. It's just what it always has been, never accelerates or decreases, only distorts before our eyes. And just when you least expect it, it grabs you between its hands and with a gentle sough lets you know your line is finished. And that glacier that one day seemed eternal eventually sinks and is eaten whole.

The last few days the water was beginning to run faster and more agitated at the sides of the canoe.