Status: Active

In Joy and Sorrow

Kiss the past goodbye

Suzie’s PoV

Bam looks at me.

“Are we just friends who are fucking each other to get over our exes or are we truly together? Because if we’re the first, then we’d better stop fucking before we screw each other over royally.”

“Bam, what’s all this about?”

He sighs. “I feel like a total chick right now, no offense,” he hastily adds, “’but when I saw Missy again… I didn’t want to fuck up my marriage Suzie. I know she made the biggest mistake by hitting on Ville, of all people but that doesn’t mean I’ve been the best husband ever. And I saw you looking at your ex in a very similar way. I mean, I still feel like punching him for what he did to you but you fled for fucks sake. I’m glad you did because I wouldn’t have met you but…”

“I know, it’s a bad way to deal with things, I of all people should know that. But I don’t want to ruin another relationship either. And believe me, if we were just fuck buddies, we would know that, both"

“Good. I’ve truly had enough of all this romance crap, I just want things to work, for a change. Alright, I’m myself again now.”

I can’t help but to laugh.

“Good, I was starting to get worried.”

That’s when something downs on me.

“Wait, you’re not still in love with Missy, are you?”

Bam shakes his head. “No, or else I would have asked you out on a date and stayed just friends with you instead. I may not a be a perfect boyfriend sometimes but I’m loyal to the people that mean something to me. You’re not still in love with that asshole, aren’t you?."

This time it’s my turn to shake my head.

“Believe me, if I was, we’d still be friends. I do think it was good to see him one last time, though. It made me realize that he wasn’t worth all the trouble and I’ve finally left my past behind.”

He nods. “It’s time to leave the past behind and move on.”