Just One Kiss

One of One

It was just a kiss. Why couldn't I get this guy out of my mind? I shouldn’t have been so attached to someone I didn't know. I wasn’t even aware of his name.

We were drunk, both of us. I knew I shouldn’t have drunk so much, but I did it anyways. Alcohol was like a drug to me. I wasn’t addicted to it, but once I started I couldn’t stop. Only one beer could've lead to me passing out, though I tried to avoid scenes like that. I've had it before. It's nothing funny.

I didn’t do anything with him, just a simple kiss. Okay, maybe it was more than simple, and lasted much longer than that, but it was nothing special. I wasn’t in love with him, nor were we even friends, it was just for the fun of it.

I was thinking of him all the time. See, I did it again. I was never going to be able to forget these dark brown eyes, the perfect hair, that made me want to ruffle it, the second I saw him. His face was stuck in my head, as was his voice, his laughter that lightened up my day, just by remembering it.

Though, I didn’t know this guy, I had the strange feeling, that I've met him before. I wasn't not sure about this, maybe I just thought so because of this night. It was possible that my mind played tricks on me, it did that pretty often.

I had to forget him, I wasn’t going to see him again after all. Though, something about me wished for him to be right outside my house this very second. I wanted to talk to him, to get to know him. I thought I might even have been falling for him.

That seemed strange to me, after all, I didn’t even know his name. Was it possible to fall for someone, you have no clue about?
In my situation, I thought it was. I spent hours just letting time pass by, thinking about him. Nothing was important to me anymore, not even my band.

Yes, I had been in a band. It was nothing special, though. No one knew us, we haven't played a show before, neither did we release a record. We were just this little band, that met every week, practicing a few songs, mostly just hanging out. I haven't been to attached with the guys. Sure, they were my friends, but I often thought about leaving the band, to find myself something else, that would maybe even bring me some money.

At this party, I was mainly because I wanted to find some people, who needed a singer. I've been singing since I was little. My parents never supported me, when I told them I wanted to become a singer in a famous band, but I held on. It was my dream, a dream I was still fighting for.

I would've never thought that I might crush on someone, when I went there. I still hadn't been over my previous boyfriend, who left me cause of some blonde chick. I really loved this guy, though it seemed that I didn’t even remember him, after this party. As if all the memories we shared had been vanished by the face of the boy I met.

After about two weeks, I started getting over him. It was just a little crush I believed. Still in need of a job, I began looking for bands again. To my surprise I found one, that had an interesting name. On their MySpace, All Time Low said, that they had just started off and still needed a singer. I didn’t know how the guys looked, or even how their music sounded, though I mailed them.

I soon got a response, stating that we should meet. Also they sent me some songs, they already had. "The singing's not that good, cause neither of us can really sing, but it's just so you know how we sound.", their bassist said.

Their music was awesome in my opinion, pop punk style, I could perfectly fit my voice too. Only days later we had planned to meet at Starbucks, to get to know each other and see if we were cool, but when we actually met that day I had the shock of my life.

There, at one table in the corner he was sitting, his back facing me. The guy I shared the kiss with, whom I couldn’t get out of my mind for so long. Now, that I had finally been free, he was there again, bringing back all the memories.

I hesitated going into the shop. The bands bassist said, they were going to sit in one of the back corners of the shop, where it was calmer than at the front. Three guys were going to be there, he added.

It seemed, that my day couldn’t have gotten worse. The boy I kissed sat at one of the tables in the back corner, along with two other guys. Every other table was empty, so it had to be them.

I could've always pretended that I didn’t remember anything, right? That wouldn’t have been very nice, but it would've been best, I guessed.

Slowly making my way towards them, I debated with myself whether to deny everything or go for it. I thought, that maybe he liked me too.

"You must be Alex, right?", one of the guys spoke up. I assumed he was the bassist, from what he described himself as.

"Uhm yeah, I am." I sat down next to him, facing the other two guys.

"Awesome, now I'm Zack. That's Rian, our drummer, and Jack, the second guitarist. I told you, you'd have to play guitar too, didn’t I?", he added hesitantly.

"Yes, you told me. That's no problem, at all.", I smiled slightly, avoiding looking Jack in the eyes.

So, his name was Jack. He was the guitarist. He looked so cute. Stop it, I told myself. I couldn’t have been with one of the guys in the band and I knew that, but I still liked Jack. There was something about him, that kept my attention.

Rian seemed like he knew all about this the whole time, though he didn’t say anything. I hoped neither of them were homophobic, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to be in this band. I haven't been completely gay, but at least I was bi. There were some girls I found sexy, though I couldn’t have imagined going out with them or anything. Maybe I was gay. I didn’t know.

All I really knew was that I liked Jack. I really liked him, and there was not the slightest chance I had with him. He probably wasn’t even gay, had a nice girlfriend, and everything that happened at the party was forgotten because of the alcohol.

Some hours later, we had been hanging out, talking about everything, drinking a shitload of coffee, when we said bye. Everyone made their way to their cars, me of
course walking home.

Rian and Zack left at first, seeing as they were taking one car, not living far from each other. Feeling awkward around Jack, I left too, quickly hugging him. When I pulled away, however, Jack didn’t hesitate in pressing his lips against mine for only a second.

I was so confused about the kiss, I just made my way out of the shop as fast as I possibly could, leaving a smirking Jack behind.

He knew he was going to get me eventually, he knew I was going to give in.
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