Be There

Looking Up

I walk through the airport gates and look to see if the guys sent a car to pick me up or I'd have to take a cab. Suddenly a familiar figure practically charges at me.
"Myla!" Tre yelps as he lifts me up in a bear hug of an embrace, I kiss his lips gently.
"Giddy much?" he laughs.
"You put me through hell." He pouts, "Now you have to make it up to me. All in sexual favours!"
"Well, we have some shit to work through first." I say in a more serious tone.
"Yeah." He sighs as he takes his place pushing the luggage trolley.

We arrive at a black car and the driver puts my bags in the trunk.
"What's going on with Mike?" I ask as we slide into the back seat.
"He's uhh, stressed out." he says slowly, "but he's past the stage of blind fury and he's at the stage of acceptance."
"This has stages?" Tre laughs.
"Yeah, usually its blind fury and he doesn't get passed that, but I'm special."
"Yes you are." I laugh as I kiss his lips gently. "Does he know I'm coming back?"
"Well he doesn't know you're coming back TODAY."
"What?" I say confused, "When does he think I'm coming back?"
"Well as far as he knows your coming back sometime this week."
"Urgh, isn't lies and secrets what got us into this mess." I mumble as I rest my head on his shoulder.
"Yeah, but starting now, we stop lying to Mike." He says putting his hand over his heart.
"That's a laugh. You can't not lie to someone at all."
"Okay, we drastically reduce our lies!"
"Yeah alright." I say closing my eyes.

"You tired?" he asks in a low voice as he moves his finger across my cheek taking the hair away from my face.
"Mmm, couldn't sleep." I murmur as I nuzzle my face deeper into his shoulder. He kisses the top of my head and lets me drift to sleep.

"Myla, Myla, wake up, we're here." Tre whispers into my ear.
"Mmm." I open my eyes to see we're parked outside the hotel. I rub my eyes and unbuckle my seat belt. We slide out of the car and the bellhop loads my suitcases onto the trolley. As we walk up to the main door I trip over my own foot but luckily Tre catches me.
"When was the last time you slept?" he asks chuckling.
"I slept when I got back to Oakland, but it was an uneasy sleep and I haven't slept since."
"Jeebus." He says in disbelief. "And I thought I was lacking sleep." We step into the elevator and I lean against Tre in order to stand up at all.
"I was sort of nervous about coming back." I say just above a whisper.
"Oh okay, when I heard you were coming back, that's when I was able to get sleep."
"Mmm." I say as I put my lips against his neck, "I missed your smell." He laughs.
"My smell?"
"Yeah." I laugh as well realizing smell wasn't exactly the best word to use.
"Okay." He chuckles, "I missed all of you." the elevator doors open and we step out.

"This is going to be weird."
"What is?" he asks as he digs through his pockets for the room card.
"Not sneaking around." He laughs, "Officially sharing a room."
"Not getting up extra early to keep up appearances." Tre adds in as he opens the door. I walk across the suite to master bed and lie flop down on it.

"Mmm bed." I say in a sort of Homer Simpson voice. Tre slinks to lie down next to me and wraps his arms around my waist. I squint my eyes open to look at the clock. "Tre, don't you have show to get to?"
"Uh yeah." He says as his arms let go of me. "I'll see you later." His lips press against mine before he disappears out the door, leaving me to fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up to the sound of the door clicking shut.
"Tre is that you?" I say stretching my arms.
"Yeah." He slinks into the room.
"D'you have a good show?" I ask as I push the blankets off of me.
"Yeah, pretty awesome." He flops down on the bed, "You wanna go partying?"
"Okay, what about Mike?"
"I told him you were here." He says as he peels himself off the bed. "Lemme shower then we'll go."

I get up and go over to my bag to get something to wear, I couldn't exactly go out in what I was wearing now because face it, my shirt's all wrinkled and these aren't exactly my sexiest pair of jeans. I pull a comb through my hair and apply some make-up just as Tre walks out of the washroom wearing a towel low on his waist.
"Hey sexy." I tease as he plucks a pair of pants out his bag.
"I know you want this ass." He says shaking so his towel falls to the floor. He pulls on his boxers then the pair of pants he was holding.
"Awe." I say as I sling my arms around his neck. I lean forward and kiss his lips passionately.
"Mmm what was that for?" he asks obviously have enjoying that kiss.
"I realized I didn't give you a real kiss since I got here."
"Mmm okay." He says just as his cell phone starts to ring. He reaches for the table and answers it. "Hello? Okay, yeah we're just leaving."
"Who was it?" I ask as I slip on my heels.
"Billie, he wanted to see if we were going." He pulls on a shirt and buttons it up. "Sexy and ready to go."
"And so are you." I say as we head out of the room.

We get to the elevators to see Mike already waiting there.
"Oh umm hey Myla, Tre." He says nervously. "I didn't know you were coming back so soon."
"Okay Mike." I say calmly, "Just chill. I'm still your sister; Tre is still your friend. Now just chill."
"I am chilled." He says cracking his neck. "I'm just not used to seeing you as a couple." The elevators door open and we step inside.
"Out with it." I say not even bothering to look at my brother's expression; I just knew he was repressing something.
"You have to understand before Tre was with you he'd tell Billie and I in detail about his sexual habits and that was fine when it wasn't with my sister now I've just got disturbing images burning through my head!" he says in one breath. I start to repress laughter; I look over at Tre who's smirking evilly.
"You told him about the handcuffs?" I say laughing.
"There's handcuffs?" Mike says about to throw up.
"No, we're just messing with you." I say shaking me head. "Here, think about it this way, there's your friend Tre and then there's my boyfriend Tre."
"Uhhh." Mike says looking at me strangely.
"Boyfriend Tre hasn't told you about his sexual habits." I say clearly.
"Ahh, whatever." Mike says shaking his head, "Just keep it PG or possibly G in front of me for a while, okay?"
"Fine." Tre pouts, "But boyfriend Tre dislikes this."
"I never liked that boyfriend Tre." Mike says smiling for the first time as we step out of the elevator.

The next morning, the hotel room phone is ringing. I hear Tre grunt and the ringing desist.
"Myla, wake up." Tre says nudging me.
"Mikey wants to talk to you." without bothering to open my eyes, I claw for the phone.

"Mikey, it's too early." I mumble.
"Yeah, well too bad." He says in slight mockery, "I want to have breakfast with you."
"Okay, Tre and I will be down in a little while."
"No, just you, I want to talk to you." I open my eyes finally and blink a few times.
"Okay." I say my voice cracking. "Give me fifteen minutes."
"Alright." He says hanging up the phone. I pass the phone back to Tre so he can hang it up and slide out of bed.

"What did he want?"
"To go for breakfast."
"Did you tell him I need my beauty sleep?" Tre asks as I head into the washroom.
"Not you, just me." I say as I turn on the shower. I step in and wash off quickly.

I dry off and tie my hair in a ponytail before heading out of the washroom to get dressed.
"Is everything okay?" Tre asks sitting up.
"He probably just wants to clear the air." I say putting on a pair of jeans.
"Good luck." Tre says sliding out of bed. I pull on a t-shirt just as Tre wraps his arms around my waist. I peck at his lips for a few moments before pulling away.
"Got to get going." I pull on a pair of socks and then my comfy converse.
"I think I'll spend the morning with Ramona, well Stella too since they're inseparable." I just nod.

I leave the hotel suite and walk down the hall to Mike's room and knock on the door. Mike answers it and I see Stella and Ramona sitting at the table each with their room service plate of breakfast.
"Morning." I say to the three of them.
"Morning," Mike says then turns to face the girls, "I'm going now, be good and if anything comes up, go next to Tre's."
"Alright." Stella says waving to me. I see Ramona's eyes widen and she runs up to me and hugs me.
"You came back." She says happily.
"Next time don't keep secrets, my dad was upset when you left." She mumbles, "Don't leave him again."
"Okay, I won't." I say as she finally lets go of me.
"Well let's get going." Mike suggests, seeing the moment is over.

Not much is said as we make our way to a restaurant up the street. We take our seats at a table and I look at my brother.
"Well what?" he asks somewhat confused.
"Well I know you didn't bring me out to breakfast for nothing."
"This one thought hasn't left my mind." He starts off, "Haven't you always considered Billie Joe and Tre as much of a brother as I was?"
"Billie Joe yes, not Tre though." I start to explain, "Firstly, I've known Billie since I was seven that's ten vital years more than I've known Tre. Secondly, you and Billie always watched out for me and made sure I didn't do stupid stuff and Tre joined me in attempting stupid stuff."
"Yeah I guess." He says thinking back.
"And when I met him, the first thing that came to mind was how hot he was." Mike snorts with laughter.
"How can I forget?"

"Are you ready to order?" the waitress asks, interrupting our conversation.
"Umm coffee and an order of toast for me." Mike says casually.
"Latte and a carrot muffin." I say as I look back at Mike.
"Listen, I'm not going to be over-protective about you, Tre is a good guy. I've seen you go through so many shitty relationships and I sort of realized you and Tre turned to each other when things went to shit so actually I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." I think back to when Tre and Lisea divorced.
"But unlike you Tre doesn't bounce back as easily, don't just treat him like another notch on your belt." At this statement I'm insulted, "He really loves you and never treat that like it means nothing. If you're serious about Tre then you two have more than my blessing but if you're just going to break his heart I suggest you don't drag things on."
"I love him." I say clearly, "I really love him."

The waitress serves us our breakfast.
"Thank you," we say almost simultaneously.
"I was kind of pissed before because you of you and Tre, I mean he's like the ultimate pervert."
"I know but he-"
"But under his pervy exterior, I know he's loyal and loving and will treat you right." Mike says, coming to terms with everything, "You two have always been there for each other and I know he'll always be there for you." I nod, "But Tre is like my best friend and I need to look out for him too."
"What are you getting at?"
"I want to know if you'll always be there for him? You've not exactly the most stable person when it comes to sticking around."
"I know now, I'm nothing without him." I say slowly, "I want to be there for him, I need to be there."
"I'm glad to hear that, because now that I really think about it, you're perfect for each other."
