Status: Done.

It's Not Enough

It's Not Enough

She was sitting in the hospital bed with all the tubes and needles sticking into her all because of you. You did this to her. You caused all the tears. You caused all the cuts. You caused this. Everyone knows it too. You can’t hide from it anymore. You can’t hide the fact you used her for all she had, then just broke her fragile soul. Try your best to cover this up.
She fought for that night. You never wanted to see her. She had to fight for it. You wanted her out of your sight, out of your mind, out of your heart. Now she’s fighting for her life in a cold hospital bed. Her daddy’s fighting to keep himself at the hospital, instead of out looking for you. Her mom’s given up stopping the tears rolling down her cheeks and the mascara smearing all over her face. Her grandparents sit across the country, fearing they’ll have to bury their only grandchild. Her best friend is sitting on the floor of the waiting room, completely numb.
You sit there, head in your hands. Nothing was enough for you. Telling yourself it’ll be alright wasn’t enough for you anymore. You had to take what you knew wasn’t yours. You didn’t want love. You’re hopeless. You can’t escape this. Stop thinking, you’re dragging yourself further into that black hole.
You chose not to love, and you were too proud to admit she’d taken your heart. You did this to her. She’s dying because you couldn’t let down your pride. You’re sitting there, tears rolling down your cheeks. You have no idea what to do. Your heart feels like it’s going to explode it hurts so badly. Your head hurts from worrying. Your eyes are red from all the dope and the tears.
The hospital hallways are dim for the night. The steady beeping of machines can be heard. Some sniffles from crying families and friends. Your footsteps as you rush to be with her. You get to her room, yelling her name mixed with apologies. Her dad is weak from worrying, too weak to do what he wants to you. Everyone is.
As your hand wraps around hers and you sink to your knees beside her, you finally say what you want to say. “I love you. I’m sorry. Come back to me.” You feel her hand tighten around yours. You see her eyes open with tears coming from them. A nod of her head and your heart starts beating normally again. You know your future now. It’s enough now. She’s enough.