Status: Awesome.

January's Holiday

You are the Thunder and I am the Lightening


“That guy, Joe,” Bea said as we got dressed for our first Friday of the year. “He called you by your last name. I’ve never actually heard people do that, so I’m gonna call you January from now on. Kapeesh?”

“Alright,” I said, fixing a fold in my short pleated skirt. “Then I’m going to call you Holiday.”

“Deal.” She said, “I feel like we should have a secret handshake or something.”

I shook my head. “No.”

Holiday laughed at this. “I’ll think of one somewhere along the lines and you’ll have to agree. Just you wait and see,”

“I’ll take your word for it.” I put my messenger bag over my shoulder, preparing to walk out the door. “See you at lunch,” I called over my shoulder.

“See you!” she called, becoming muffled half way through as I closed the room to our room. I walked down the bustling dorm, following behind girls who had the same idea as me. My class was all of the way across our gothic-style campus, so I always left a few minutes before my roommates.

The school was cold, as the insolated heating was yet to kick on. It was a drafty castle-like building in the middle of rural Minnesota. Since it was January, snow covered the building and outside, and it really sucked when you had to cut through the courtyard in order to get to class on time. Luckily, our stationary uniforms came with winter clothing including gloves, thicker coats, pants for both boys and girls, tights, leg warmers, stockings, scarves etc.. They only deprived us of the outside bustle of the world, not of its fashion.

I went through first, second, and third period in a blur. Since it was still toward the beginning of the year, we were still reviewing and nobody gave their attention to the professors. By lunch, I was in a fog about the long week and dismayed about how annoying school actually was.

I sat at the table Holiday and I had declared as our own, only to be followed by Joe. I set my bag on the bench, “Yes?”

Joe shrugged, his hands in his pockets nonchalantly. “We’re partners now.”

“School partners,” I informed him. “Not partners, partners.”

“Oh, my God!” heard Bea yell. She was bright red, and was grinning ear to ear. “You’ll never guess what just happened to me!”

I looked at her curiously, “What?” I asked, not nearly as excited as she was.

“Nick Jonas just came up to me right before class and asked me to go to the beach with him tomorow night – ”

“Holiday.” I said, amazed at how she could say all of that in one breath. She smiled at me sheepishly before I continued. Everything registered at once. “Oh, my God. You’re going on a date with Nick Jonas!”

Joe, who I had completely forgotten about, looked between us. “Oh, my God,” he said with a perfect gay voice. He threw his hands up halfheartedly. “Let’s go get you dolled up.”


All of the seniors at Lakeside Academy were assigned with a partner and given a project to do in their biology class. This project was to take all semester, as it was four smaller projects in one and counted for half of your final grade. It was called the “senior spring project”, and everyone knew of it from the time they started the private school chain. The first day back to school, and I get assigned to work with none other than Joe Adams. And, to top that off, we have to put in almost all of our free time into this project.

There were better ways I could spend my Friday nights. I’d been asked out twice over the course of the weeks and I had to reject both because I would be with Joe. Although, being asked out wasn’t something I was unfamiliar with. I wasn’t popular, but I wasn’t exactly a nerd either. Which made Joe all the more jealous.

We were the only people in the library at the moment. Since it was open 24/7, the coffee machine that lived there was put into good use. Joe and I had each had our share of a caffeine fix, but I could tell we were both fading quickly. “I’m getting more coffee,” I said, standing up. I rubbed my eyes, no longer caring if my makeup smeared or not. My voice sounded as dry and tired as I felt. “Do you want any?”

Joe groaned and put his forehead on the tabletop. “What time is it?” he asked, muffled by the artificial wood.

I glanced at a clock on the wall that had been illuminated for people like us. “Two-ten.”

He groaned again, this time hitting his head lightly. “I really need some sleep. And you do too, Gwen. Can we call it a night?”

I placed the Styrofoam cup I was just about to fill back in its place. “Yeah, we better get to bed.” I headed back over to him, putting my hands on my hips and observing the vast amount of space our research took up. I sat down and looked at him. “Damn, we did a lot.”

He nodded and picked his head up. “Can I tell you something?”

I nodded at the table, putting papers together and shaking them so they all fell into alignment. “Go ahead.”

“I’m really glad we got to work together. I know you’re annoyed by me, but this really gives me a chance to let you see the real me. I really, really like you, Gwen. And, unlike every other guy who’s trying to get in between those fantastic legs of yours, I legitimately care for you.” He looked down at his hands and mumbled, “So, what’d you say? Maybe we can see where this goes…?”

I sighed and looked at him. The expression on his face told me that he was most definitely not kidding around, and that he desperately wanted me to give him a chance. But, to be frank, I didn’t think I could do it. “I'll let you know.”
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Yep, yep, yep. :)