Status: Awesome.

January's Holiday

There's A Bonfire Burning Up


I had to admit, class-wise, my start at Lakeside Academy was a little less than interesting. I knew we were mainly just reviewing for now, due to our lengthy winter break, but I was seriously ready to start learning.

Besides that, everything was going great. Gwen and I were getting along better than I could have imagined, and everyone else seemed to be pretty friendly. Nick and I had exchanged a couple of words here and there, which was more than I could’ve hoped for. The one thing I could not STAND, though, was the weather.

I was from a small town in California, where the sun was out three-fourths of the year. The other fourth, it rained, and a light rain at that. I hated the cold, and the wet, and the snow. Winter was pretty much my enemy. Thankfully, the uniform I had was equipped with plenty of winter clothes.

It was a finally Friday when I stumbled out of the cold and into my first period class. I was freezing and tired, and I probably looked as crappy as I felt. Nick waltzed into the room behind me looking cuter than ever, his complexion perfect thanks to the cold. He sat down in front of me and turned to say good morning. I tried to smile at him, but it probably looked more like a grimace.

“Whoa. What did I do to deserve that look?” he asked me.

“It’s not you.” I replied. “It’s this idiot weather”

“Hmm.” He contemplated this for a moment. “They’re having a bonfire at the beach tomorrow night. Why don’t you come with me? I think it’ll make you rethink the weather.”

“Okay.” I said, smiling. I tried to keep my grin under control but I could bet money I was smiling bigger than a little kid with a pocket full of money on Easter


I basically ran to the cafeteria.

“You’ll never guess what just happened!” I yelled at Gwen, not bothering to see if I was interrupting her and Joe’s conversation.

“Nick Jonas just came up to me right before class and asked me to go to the beach with him tomorrow night and-”

“Holiday.” Gwen interrupted. I smiled sheepishly at her, realizing I had just told her an entire story in one breath. It seemed to sink in though, as she exclaimed:

“Oh my god. You’re going on a date with Nick Jonas!”

Next to her, Joe, who I had almost forgotten was there, threw up his hands. “Oh my god!” He exclaimed in a suspiciously gayish voice, “Let’s get you all dolled up!”


“How do I look?” I asked Gwen, stepping out from our small bathroom.

“Wow.” She said, clearly impressed. She had taken the part of the day off from her senior project to help me get ready, and I was immensely grateful. I didn’t have much experience when it came to boys or dating. I would have had absolutely NO idea what to wear tonight without her help.

I didn’t have an outstanding number of clothes at the school, considering I had to wear my uniform almost always. Luckily, Gwen and I had been able to pool our resources to make the perfect outfit.

I had chosen my good-butt pair of jeans, for the obvious reasons, and a blue tank top that didn’t hug my stomach. I also chose a blue pair of converse that matched my shirt. I would have worn sandals, but I knew I would have frozen. Lastly, I chose a small ring my dad had given me for my twelfth birthday and slipped it on my middle finger. I was about to head out the door when I realized I was jacketless.

“Hey, Gwen!” I yelled from the bathroom.

“Yeah?” Came her response.

“Do you have a jacket I could borrow? None of mine go with this outfit.”

“Sure. Give me a second.” I heard her open the doors of our small closet, and could hear her rummage through the meager amounts of clothes inside it.

“Aha!” I heard her exclaim, her voice slightly muffled. She stuck her hand into the bathroom with a black jacket hanging off of it. I grabbed it, and realized it was leather, and that the thing probably cost about six hundred bucks.

“Whoa. This is a leather jacket.” I told her.

“I’m aware of that, yes.” She said.

“Are you sure you want me to wear it?” I asked her. She smiled and nodded. I put it on and, I have to admit, it looked nice.

“Alright, you should go.” Gwen told me. “You’ll be late.” I glanced at my phone and realized she was right. I hurried out the door to the small quad where Nick had told me to meet him.

When I got there he was standing patiently in the middle of the quad. He looked fantastic, as usual, and my heart jumped as it always did when I saw him.

“Hey.” I said. “Sorry I’m late.”

“You’re not. I’m early.” He told me. And with that we headed for the beach.


The bonfire was the first thing I noticed. It was huge, probably the size of a modest one story house. The colors were beautiful, especially at night. The fire ranged from a dark red to a bright yellow; all in the spectrum of colors I loved most. I turned to look at Nick, and I was taken aback by the way the fire lit up his face. It made him look more handsome than he usually did, softening up the sharper angles of his face. The flames were reflected in his brown eyes, which glistened in the light.

“What?” He asked me. I suddenly realized that I was staring at him, and I turned and looked at the fire again.

“Nothing.” I said. He looked at me quizzically, as if unsatisfied with my response, but said nothing.

“Come on, let’s grab a seat.” He said, gesturing to a large log dragged in front of the bonfire. We sat down and the interrogation began.

“So, you never answered my question.” He told me.

“What question?” I asked, confused.

“Do you like it here?”

“Oh, that question. Yeah, it’s a nice school, and everyone is pretty friendly. But the snow…” I shuddered.

“Yeah. The snow.” He agreed.

The conversation went on from there. Nick was surprisingly easy to talk to, and I got more and more comfortable with him as the night went on. We had a similar taste in music, and I found out a lot about girls from a guy’s perspective. Everything went well, but I was a little disappointed that Nick didn’t make a move. Did he just ask me here because he thought I was cool as a friend? If that was the case, I didn’t want to be sending him the wrong message. Keeping this in mind, I tried to play it cool and be myself, and whatever I did, I didn’t think about it too hard.
♠ ♠ ♠
Curious? Oh. Yeah.