Status: Awesome.

January's Holiday

She's Got a Love Like Whoa


It was the first weekend of the semester in which I wasn’t terribly swamped with homework. Since Holiday wasn’t either, we planned a girl’s night in, complete with popcorn, a movie, and plenty of gossip. Since we probably weren’t the only ones with those plans, I made sure to stack up our room with food before leaving for class that day. I was looking forward to not only hearing about how things were with Nick, but to get to know her personally. We’d only talked a little bit about our personal lives, and I was eager to become friends.

First period went by without incident, but I wasn’t really expecting much. On my way to second, Joe conveniently caught up with me. He put his arm around my shoulders. “So,” he said coolly. “What do you have next?”

I picked his hand up and dropped it away from me. “Biology. With you.”

He laughed casually, “Small campus.”

“Joe,” I finally said. I stopped walking and turned to face him. “What do you really want?”

He looked everywhere around me before meeting my eyes. “I want to go to the lake with you tonight. I know your roommate just went with that Jonas kid, and this would give me a chance to sweep you off your feet.” He wiggled his eyebrows, making a poor attempt at an innuendo.

I pulled the strap of my bag further up my shoulder. “Actually, I can’t. My roommate and I are having a night in. But, if it makes you feel better, you’ll be a topic of conversation.”

Although I could tell he was hurt, he did a good job of covering it up. “Promise?”

“You’re a shoo in.”

He smiled softly, “Can I at least walk you to class?”

I smiled as well, although unintentionally. “My answer never stopped you before.”

We began walking again, this time out of a touching distance. A few guys whistled in our direction, no doubt to cheer him on. He’d liked me since freshman year – it was no surprise that most of the seniors knew that. “So, will I be a positive topic?”

I bit my lip, unsure of how to answer that. “I don’t know yet. I mean, sophomore year you would’ve come close…” I smirked, knowing what happened was a subject he would’ve preferred to remain untouched.

He grimaced. “We’re not talking about that.”

I giggled, “Suit yourself.”

We walked into class, taking our assigned seats. The desks were in rows, and Joe’s was next to mine. Other students filed in, sitting down as we did and waiting for the bell to ring so class could start and get over with.

The professor – Professor White – gave us a warm-up to do, forcing us to get out our books and look at our notes from the previous class. I opened my book to a random page, only to see a folded sheet of binder paper land on it. Looking up at the board, I made sure the teacher wasn’t looking before I opened it. It was Joe’s handwriting, which I had learned to recognize. So… Saturday?

What about it? I wrote back. I tossed it at him when it was clear.

I looked at the board, writing the warm-up question down. The note was soon in front of me again. The lake. Do you want to go with me tomorrow night?

I sighed quietly. Just as I began writing back, a shadow cast over my shoulder. “Ms. January,” Professor White said. His tone was nasally. “That doesn’t look like the warm-up to me.”

“Sorry, Professor,” I said, looking down.

“No matter,” he said. “You can just do it in lunch detention.”

I frowned. “Yes, sir.”

“And Mr. Jonas,” he said, turning to Joe. “Since it’s obvious you took part in this, you can spend lunch with her also.”

I knew there was a reason biology was my least-favorite subject.


I spent most of detention studying my nails. I decided to put manicures on the list of things to do that night, happy to have purchased more nail polish over the holiday break.

“Gwen,” Joe hissed. “Psst! Gwen!”

I turned to him, tracing the side of my cheek with my tongue. “Yes?”

“Tomorrow,” he whispered. He glanced over his shoulder at the door. “I’m taking you to the beach. Be ready at seven.”

“And if I don’t want to go?”

He smirked, “The girls in your dorm and I are like this,” he crossed his index and middle finger.

I let out an exasperated sigh, “Fine, Joe. Fine. I’ll go out with you, if that’s what it takes for you to get over this ridiculous crush of yours.”

He smiled. “Excellent.”


Holiday and I tried watching “Brokeback Mountain”, but it didn’t really turn out as planned. We just swooned over Jake and Heath, and gossiped. At the end of the movie, I stared at the glowing screen of nothing but credits and orchestral music.

“How was your thing with Nick?” I asked, slowly turning to her. “I overheard it wherever I walked today.”

Amazing,” she said. She fell back onto her bed before sitting up. “He’s so sweet, and mysterious. Not to mention smart, and beautiful.”

I laughed, “I bet.”

“How about you and Joe?” she asked, pulling her knees up to her chest.

“He’s liked me since freshman year, like I said. And, every time he’s tried to date me, I’ve rejected him.”

“Sunny beach!” she exclaimed. I’d heard that expression before; it was like a clean “son of a bitch.” “Why?! He’s gorgeous, and obviously crazy for you.”

I shrugged. As long as I’d known Joe, I could never give anyone a real reason to why it was him I wouldn’t date. Every other guy that asked me out I would – but there was something about Joe that… scared me. “I don’t know.”

“There’s something going on there,” she said, contemplating the situation. “And we have all weekend to figure it out.”

“Actually,” I said, looking at my hands. “We don’t.”

I looked at her, examining her curious reaction. “Please, do tell.”

“Well, Joe asked me out again. Only this time, I’m actually, kind of, looking forward to it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
It takes me next to forever to update this story, huh? Watch, MP will have hers done by next weekend. :P

Haha. Comment and subscribe, dearies. :)