Status: Awesome.

January's Holiday

Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah I Will Not Let You Go

My little night in with January was so much fun. We talked, well, gossiped really, almost until midnight. I told Gwen about my amazing but slightly disappointing date (if I could even call it that) with Nick, and she told me about Joe. He had had a crush on her since freshman year, and I still wasn't completely sure why she hadn't started to develop feelings for him until now. Nonetheless, I was super happy for her, and I knew she was going to have a blast with him.

Friday came and went, as uneventful as any regular Friday could have been. I got through a couple of weekend assignments after classes were let out, which was good. I had lunch wit Nick, which was really good. Before I knew it, Saturday night was here, and I was helping Gwen get ready for her date.

"How about these?" Gwen stepped out of the closet in a pair of adorable red heels with bows on the front.

"Cute, but you're going to the beach, not the Grammy's." She sighed and settled on a pair of moccasin flats that were equally cute. She stood and faced here closet with her hands on her hips.

"Now I have to pick out something to wear." I laughed.

"Don't you usually pick out shoes after you've picked out an outfit?" She shrugged, and I figured she just wasn't the girl who did things the usual way. She started to throw clothes onto her bed and I picked up a cute black top with floral print.

"This is cute! You should wear this!" i told her. She put it on with a pair of dark-ish skinnies and an onyx ring.

"Perfect." I told her. She looked gorgeous, her outfit hugging her curves in the perfect places.

"Alright, I'm almost late so I should go. See you later!" She hugged me and dashed out the door, only to turn back a second later.

"Almost forgot my lucky chapstick!" I laughed at Gwen and her ridiculous chapstick stash, and wished her good luck as she ran out once more.

I put on some music and changed out of my uniform into a tie-dye shirt and sweats. Feeling much more comfortable, I flopped onto my bed to try and get some more homework done. I was just getting up to change the song when I heard a knock at the window.

My shriek/jump must have been pretty loud because Nick was still laughing at me when I managed to pry the window open. I was upset with him, but I still let him in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him crossly.

"Sometimes you just get tired of being around guys all of the time." We both sat down on opposite beds.

"I find it hard to believe you don't have any other girls to harass at eight o'clock on a Saturday." He smiled.

"None that are quite as fun to harass." I rolled my eyes.

We spent the rest of the night just talking, about anything and everything. I told him about how much I love rice, how I wanted to be famous some day, and how I love to sing more than anything else. He told me how natural and comfortable he feels playing guitar, how much he hates rice, and how he wanted to be famous one day. Before long we decided to form a two person band, that was to remain unnamed for now, where I would sing and he would play guitar.

"Sing me something." He said.


"We can't be in a band until you sing me something." He persisted.

"Maybe someday when you have your guitar." I told him. He smiled and agreed, and I suddenly realized that I had probably gotten myself into something.

Soon enough, it was ten o'clock, which was already an hour later than he was supposed to be back in his dorm. We said our goodbyes and he climbed back through the window and left. I sighed, and went straight to bed, not realizing how tired I was. By the time I was asleep, Gwen still wasn't back from her date, so I made sure to get details from her the second I saw her tomorrow.


The next morning, I dragged myself out of bed at eight in the freaking morning on a Sunday. I knew I had to spend all morning doing homework if I wanted to hang out with Nick or Gwen later that day. I headed to the library, poured myself a cup of coffee, and got to work.

About two hours into my homework, a cute guy thatI recognized as Nathan Hale from my biology class sat down in front of me.

"Hey, Bea." He said.

"Hey Nathan." I answered. I frowned at two equations that weren't correlating right, and angrily scribbled them out. Stupid math.

"So, what's up?" I asked Nathan, glad to take a few minutes break to talk to him.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come to my dorm tonight to watch a movie or two." He told me. I smiled, despite myself, wondering what suddenly brought this on.

"Wait, isn't that against the rules?" I asked him.

"Has that ever stopped you before?" His tone sounded suggestive, which probably would have bothered me if I had any clue what he was talking about. But no, it hadn't stopped me before, because I had never been to another guy's dorm, let alone at night.

"I guess not. I'll be there at seven."


I met up with Nick to eat lunch, having finished my homework a little earlier than expected. I still hadn't touched bases with Gwen, but I'm sure she would tell me everything the second we saw each other. For all I knew, she could be with Joe right this second.

"So, do you want to do something tonight?" Nick asked.

"Can't." I said, smiling. "I have a date."

♠ ♠ ♠
It took a while, but it was worth it, right? Haha, I don't know.

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