Status: Finished One Shot

Over You


Miserable: Very uncomfortable or unhappy; wretched.

Miserable, exactly how I felt for a week now. Myboyfriend ex boyfriend Nick Jonas had broken up with me just a week ago. I have felt horrible ever since.

I wasn’t because we didn’t like each other. You see, Nick is a rock star, along with his other two brothers, Joe and Kevin. They had their own band called the Jonas Brothers. If you haven’t heard of them, well you’ve probably been hiding under a rock for the past couple of years.

He was always gone. Sure he called me often and we sent text messages every chance we both got, but he said he couldn’t do that anymore. He said I should be with someone who could actually be there with me all the time. Not only a few times a year. I was upset when he told me that, but I understood.

Even though I haven’t felt right since, I knew he was right. But I couldn’t get over Nick. He was the first guy I could ever call my boyfriend. He was my first kiss. He was my first good date. He was my first love.

Nick hasn’t called me but I don’t blame him. I just hope we could still at least be friends. His brother Joe had called me though. He thought Nick made a huge mistake. He said Nick hasn’t really been himself since the breakup. His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes so you could tell it was forced or fake. His attitude wasn’t negative though it was different. He just wasn’t into anything anymore.

Joe said he’s written about three or four songs since the breakup though. The bad thing was that they were all sad and depressing; something the Jonas Brothers would never

I felt heartache. Whenever I turned on the TV, when I saw his face on E! News or a music video of theirs, I would feel bitter and grief. I’ve never felt that way before, and it scared me.

I’ve been wondering if I made the right decision by just letting him go. Not arguing or fighting with him. I wondered if he felt the same way as I did. From what I heard from Joe, it seemed like he did, but that wasn’t enough. If he didn’t say anything, then maybe he knew he made the right choice.

I contemplated with myself whether to call him or give him a text just to hear from him. But I knew if I did I probably wouldn’t be on the phone for more than a few seconds, knowing I would probably be too afraid and hang up.

I asked Kevin what I should do. He was always the brother I would go to for advice. Sure Joe wasn’t a bad advice giver, but Kevin was just more serious and would help me out more without trying to crack jokes, even though I would probably need them.

Kevin said if I’ve been feeling like this, I should just go ahead and give him a call. Chances are he’s probably feeling the same way I am. He also said he wrote another song last night. Though it was kind of like the others, slow and heartfelt, it wasn’t overly sad to they decided to make it into a song and put it on the next Jonas Brothers album.

I came to a conclusion that I would call Nick.

I switched on my laptop; looking over all the gossip sites I had always been addicted too. I was trying to put off calling him for as long as I could.

I looked over all the articles that were posted, one catching my eye. It was about the Grammys that were just last night. It was titled ”Niley; Back On?”.

Tears started to blur my vision. It had been only two weeks and he was already with someone else. The skank herself, Miley Cyrus.

I had always hated Miley. Not just for her attire and what she was dressed in most of the time, but that she was on the Disney Channel and little children looked up to her, and she was setting an awful example. Also her attitude wasn't so great either. I had heard Nick’s mom tell him countless times to stop seeing her when they were together. No one in the Jonas family was very fond of her. Well I guess everyone except Nick.

What hurt me the most was that it had been just two weeks. Had he really gotten over me that quickly? Was I nothing but a stupid ex girlfriend to him now and my feeling didn’t even matter?

I called up Joe and told him I wasn’t going to call Nicholas. When he asked why, I emailed him the link to the article. After he read it, he called me continuously, but I never answered. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say.

A couple of days later I was still pretty upset. I stopped crying the night after I read the article. I figured if he had gotten over me that fast, I should do the same. I found that to be very hard though. My mom was complaining that I should get out of the house. My friends called and urged me to go with them to the mall or the movies, but I refused.

I was home alone today. My mom and dad both at work. My friends had stopped calling after the last twenty times I wouldn’t answer.

I was laying down on my bed reading a book I had picked up at Barnes and Noble a few months ago but never got around to reading. About thirty pages into the book, I heard the doorbell ring twice along with repeated knocks.

I waited a minute to see if the person would go away but they kept ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door.

I got up from the comfort of my bed and jogged down the stairs to open the door quickly before they broke my doorbell.

I unlocked it and swung the door open just as the unknown person was about to knock once more. My breath got caught in my throat and my eyes became wide.

There stood Nicholas Jonas himself, guitar in hand, a look of shock across his face and sadness filling his eyes.

I didn’t say anything. I was too shocked at the sight in front of me, so he made his way inside and headed towards the living room.

I finally got pulled away from the shock and closed the door and walked to the living room.
He was sitting on the couch, his guitar on his lap. I sat down on the same couch and faced him, but looking down at my hands playing with the ring that was on my finger instead of at him.

I heard faint strums coming from his guitar. I looked up just a little, starting at his fingers glide across the strings. And then he started to sing.

I got another question that I need answered
But you won't speak to me, got another problem
That I need solved and you just don't agree
Don't act like you don't care
Cause I know you do, yeah you do

But I just can't figure it out
I'm not over you, over you
And I just can't leave it alone
I'm not over you, over you

What happened to the days
When I knew the ways to make your body move
Tried to get it back but the distance rolls
I know you feel it too
I can't act like I don't care
Cause I do, yeah I do

But I just can't figure it out
I'm not over you, over you
And I just can't leave it alone
I'm not over you, over you
And you just won't pick up the phone
I'm not over you, over you
And I know I'll never get through
I'm not over you, over you

Pick up the pictures of you and me
I try seeing another girls
But they were just a distraction
Never the same attraction
Going crazy over you

And I just can't figure it out
I'm not over you, over you
And I just can't leave it alone
I'm not over you, over you
And you just won't pick up the phone
I'm not over you, over you
And I know I'll never get through
I'm not over you, over you

By the time he was finished I was looking up at him. I could tell that that song was true and he really did mean it.

So I did the only thing I could think of. I pressed my lips onto his.

I forgot about the break up. I forgot about all the sad songs he had written about me that Joe had mentioned. I forgot about the article about him and Miley, knowing he was just trying to get me out of his mind.

I was just glad he wasn’t over me just like I was never over him
♠ ♠ ♠
For JaceyJonas?!

Hope you like you :)