Status: Part one of four in the L.O.V.E. Series. Unfinished.

Pinky Promise

Chapter Two.

When they were ten...

Hallie and Luke were running from the backyard to the forest. Hallie's hair was flowing behind her in the wind, while Luke was trying with great difficulty to catch up with her. They stopped at the edge of the forest, where Hallie bent down to pick some daisies, which she flopped down on the ground to string together. It took her all of two seconds, sitting a moment to look at her masterpiece before plunking it on her head. She stood up, brushed off her butt and took off again at full speed. Luke chased after her, only for them to finally stop when they almost reached the other edge of the forest.

The best of friends were standing on a bridge that overlooked a pond, mere yards away from their hideout. Hallie was decked out in a summery dress - which flowed about her knees in the breeze, patented, shiny Mary Janes, and the crown made of daisies in her hair. Luke was sporting a too-large tuxedo shirt - “borrowed” from his older brother’s closet, black denim jeans and his beloved Nike’s.

The two of them turned to face each other as Luke started the ceremony.

“Do you, Hallie Mason, promise to be my wife, forever, until happily ever after?”

“I promise.”

“Pinky promise?”

This was one of their games – dressing up and going on adventures – but this was their first time getting married. They linked pinkies as Hallie recited her line:

“Do you, Luke Fisher, promise to be my husband, forever, until happily ever after?”

“I promise.”

“Pinky promise?”

They linked their pinkies, this time with their only free hands, and said simultaneously, “Pinky promise.”

As they released each other, Luke said, “I may now kiss the bride!”

Hallie shrieked playfully and ran off the bridge towards the clubhouse. Luke chased her up the ladder , lips puckered, making kissing noises. Hallie laughed as Luke backed her into a corner. He leaned in a placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

“Ew, boy germs!” Hallie yelled, wiping her cheek over-exaggeratedly. They laughed and sat down to a picnic lunch that Luke’s mother had packed for them to eat.

Hallie began to chew thoughtfully. “Luke?” she asked.

“Yeah?” he said, slurping his Capri Sun.

“Is this our honeymoon?”

“What’s a honeymoon?” Luke questioned.

“I don’t know,” Hallie admitted. “My mom said it was something that happens after a wedding.

“Let’s go ask, then,” Luke said. They packed up their food and went inside Hallie’s house.

“Mom?” Hallie called out.

“What is it, Hal?” Her mother said, walking into the living room.

“What happens on a honeymoon?” Hallie asked. A flush rose up her mother’s cheeks.

“Well…uh…” she stammered. “Basically…you do something very special…and fun…something you’ve hopefully never done before…”

Hallie’s eyes opened wide as she turned to look at Luke. “We’re going to Disney Land?!” she exclaimed excitedly.

Her mother looked confused, until she looked at what Luke and Hallie were wearing and realized it was all just a game. She breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sure,” her mom said. “If you want to go to Disney Land for your honeymoon, go right ahead.”

“Thanks, mom!” Hallie said as she ran out the book and back to their clubhouse, dragging Luke along behind her.

“Where are we gonna get money to go to Disney Land?” Hallie asked as soon as they were seated comfortably on the clubhouse floor.

“I don’t know,” Luke said. “I bet it costs a lot, though. Like, maybe a hundred dollars.”

“Woah,” Hallie said, her eyes wide with wonder.

“I know.”

“But we don’t have a hundred dollars!” Hallie complained.

“I know,” Luke said dejectedly.

They sat in silence for a while.

“Hallie?” Luke asked.


“One day…when we’re older, and we have oodles of money…can we go on a real honeymoon? To Disney Land?”

“Yeah!” Hallie exclaimed. “But you gotta promise to not go with anyone else but me.”

“Duhh,” Luke said. “Who else would I go with?”

“Still,” Hallie said. “Do you promise?”

“I promise.”

“Pinky promise?”

Luke grinned as they linked pinkies for the third time that day.

“Pinky promise.”