Sequel: You're Not Alone.
Status: Finished.

Looking for a Lifeline


I guess I'll start with Hi, Corinne Gavern since that seems to be all my throat can muster right now. I've tealked, cried, screamed myself to the core the past hour, and now... well now I'm just looking for a lifeline.

He's standing right infront of me. But he's also the reason I was screaming and crying.

I guess you want the whole story, right? Well to give the entire story to you would take... well... I'm 26, so over twenty years to explain. Using the detail it would take for you to get a clear, firm understanding of exactly how my heart, along with a few bones in my body, were shattered to bits.

I don't know if you are, you might be, familiar with the band Avenged Sevenfold. Well... something you might not know, they had just hit rock bottom.

I've been best, and when I say best I don't mean that fake best shit you hear about from people, friends with each of them since first grade. I met Zack literally in the sand box, and our lives I don't think could have turned out worse.

Don't get me wrong, it's a blessing I thank God for every day to know them. But if I had dumped sand on his head, or possibly just walked away, I wouldn't be sitting in a hospital bed, with a broken leg, a sling over my arm, burns over half my body, and a heart so broken it might be beyond repair.

I fell in love, deep unexplainable love, with none other than the heartbreaker himself: Matt Sanders, at a ripe age of sixteen. We dated, had everything anyone wanted out of a relationship. For reasons beyond me, I was the envy of every chick in our school.

Our downfall? They got famous. Matt and I broke up because... well... because we were together. He started dating her, my ex-bestfriend Valary DiBenedetto. By twenty they were serious, not caring who was around when they shoved their tongues down one another's throats.

But Matt and I? We picked everything back up on tour. The sex, the kissing, the love you felt bursting through your chest. We relit the fire after four years. It was amazing. But, all good things come to an end, I'm afraid. Tour was over, Val ran back into Matt's arms.

And I was the biggest fool on this godforsaken planet to expect him to leave her for me. She had blonde hair, I had dark brown. She had brown eyes, mine were blue. She was a tiny 5foot 4inches with a body that could knock anyone out. I was 5foot 7inches and I had curves. I loved my curves, embraced my curves, I used them against Matt and he knew he'd fall for it.

We all knew he would.

Don't worry, I'll get to how I'm here in just a minute. I'm just trying to focus without going too quickly.

The band had gotten back from yet another tour, this time, as usual, I went. Matt and I sparked up again. When we got home though, he once again walked to Val as she wrapped her arms around him. Then, he left me standing there. He'd usually say goodbye, give me a friendly hug and leave. But he just left.

I stared, I coudln't... I didn't know what to do. I watched them leave, I needed to ask him so many things, mainly why we were making life so hard for ourselves.

I went home, angry and pissed. Home... that's a fun thing to talk about. We all shared, by all I mean me, the guys, and some of their girlfriends. Their car wasn't there, but their manager had beat me home. And... well, since you have a background, that's where I'll start.
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I KNOW I don't need another story. But I woke up crying last night and all I could remember was little bits and pieces of a story line that knocked my socks off. So, what'd I do? Wrote it down :)

Hope you liked it, I have it all ended already so it should be somewhat short..