Sequel: You're Not Alone.
Status: Finished.

Looking for a Lifeline


The guys were fine, Matt was keeping it a good secret so far. I was happy, and I avoided being alone with any of them for Ben's sake. I didn't want him to blow up when they were here. But... he didn't need a reason, now did he?

"So you gunna fuck someone while I'm out tonight?" He asked, fixing the shirt he had on.

"What?" I asked, turning around from the mirror and looking him dead in the eyes "Ben, if this is about the other day, I already-"

I was cut off when my back slammed against the wall, Ben's hand tight around my neck "Yah, what are you thinking, Corinne? Are you going to go back to him? Leave me?" He asked.

"Ben, stop..." I squirmed under his hands as he pushed harder "Babe, stop it.."

He growled and set his fist into my stomach, causing me to shut up "Keep it down, I don't want trouble."

"You already got trouble." I hissed "This is enough... They're my friends," I bit his hand and he let go, sending me onto the ground.

"Bitch.." He hissed "I gave you so many chances, so many chances and I stayed with you."

"You gave me chances?" I asked "Other way around." I groaned as his foot pounded into my stomach repeatedly.

I pressed my hands over my mouth as tears slid down my face, he picked me up and pushed me against the wall, laying his fist into my jaw "That'll teach you... it hurts me, Corinne, you know. You have such a pretty face." His index finger ran coldly over the already bruised skin. I heaved in a breath as he tossed me onto the bed.

"Please not now.." I looked up at the clock, it was six PM and we'd be having dinner, the guys and me minus Ben, in an hour "They'll-"

"Hear me? Not unless you make noise, bitch. So shut up. You know what to do." He growled and scratched down my stomach.

I arched back and held in a sream "Ben please don't..."

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" He shouted, getting angried "Damnit, Corinne, stop making this harder than it has to be!" He picked me up once again and slammed me into the door, making a picture fram fall off the wall.

I heard voices outside and a knock on the door that was pressed to my back "Cori? You ok in there?" It was Zack.

"Tell him you're fine. Or else." He held up his fist. Zack was even bigger than Ben. And I... I could live.

"ZACK!" I shouted, tears escaping my eyes as the door jiggled open, Ben slamming me to the floor.

"Fucking.... MATT BRIAN!!" Zack shouted "Fucker!" Zack lined Ben in the nose. I could hear it crack, and Ben cupped his nose.

I was bent over on all fours, watching blood run down my white teeshirt. I saw a pair of shows infront of me and was soon lifted off the groun "Cori, are you ok? Is anything broken?" Matt's eyes came into my focus and his hands ran over my face caringly.

"I think..." I took a minute, taking inventory of my body "I'm fine.."

He sighed and pulled me into a hug and picked me up "We're getting out of here." He whispered and handed me to Zack as he went back for Ben.

Zack held me tight and looked me over. "We have the car all packed. God we're too late.." He muttered and opened the car door, sliding me in and handing me a towel "It's gunna be ok."

*Zack's POV*

I don't know if I was trying to make her feel better, or myself. I could hear everyone shouting from inside the house and I climbed into the car with Corinne, sitting next to her as she cleaned up her face.

"My... Where's my bag? My purse?" She looked up at me.

I reached into the back and handed it to her. "Thanks." She smiled and shuffled through it, pulling out a compact. She opened it and gasped, reaching up and turning on the overhead light.

"That bastard.." I muttered under my breath as I took in the bruises covering her jaw.

"Those?" She pointed at a few as I nodded "Those are old ones... two weeks ago I believe. They neer heal." She whispered and started packing on the makeup once more.

There were cop cars pulling in and soon Matt dragged Ben from the house, his face nose was bleeding, and from what it looked like, Matt had a fat lip and blood on his nose, and Brian had a black eye. I heard Corinne gasp as she looked out the window.

The cops grabbed Ben and handcuffed him, one of them grabbed Matt and began talking to him. He pointed at the car and walked over, opening the door slowly.

"Rin, they wanna talk to you." He said, his speech somewhat messy from his lip.

Tears spilled from her eyes and she wrapped her arms around Matt's shoulders "Matt... your lip.." She looked up at him. He ran a finger over it and shrugged "Oh my god.. I'm so sorry... You didn't-"

Matt laughed and pulled her from the car "They need to know what happened, and I'm fine. I would take a fuckin' bullet for you, Cori." I watched with a smile as he walked her to the cops. His arm was protectively around her waist as she explained, fighting back tears.

When they got the information they needed, we piled into the car "You ready?" Matt asked, giving Corinne a look as he buckled in.

She nodded "I'm sorry.." She rested her head on Brian's arm, we were sitting on either side of her and Matt was driving, Jim and Johnny were in the backseat booking the plane.

"Don't be." Brian kissed the side of her head "That douche is getting what he deserves." He sighed "I can't... I can't beleive you didn't tell us."

"I'm sorry... " She whispered again "I just..." She sat up and sighed "I didn't want you getting involved.

"Do you think that wimp could have taken on these guns?" Brian flexed his arms as Corinne giggled "There, now that's a sign of better times." He smiled.

She rolled her eyes and flicked on the small overhead light, taking back out her compact. "Holy jeez!" Brian tilted her face and looked at it "Damnit... Corinne..."

She pulled away and patted on the makeup "It covers, it'll heal... I'm just lucky you guys were there. He was really... he was the most mad I'd ever seen."

We all sighed "Fuck... we never should have let you go." Matt growled under his breath "You aren't leaving again, unless it's with us." He looked in the rearview mirror "And that's unnegotiable."

Corinne laughed and saluted him "Alright... I don't think I would leave again anyways... it was stupid."