Sequel: You're Not Alone.
Status: Finished.

Looking for a Lifeline


I had avoided Matt all day, I mean, it wasn't hard. He went out with the guys anyways. It was nice to have them out of my hair for the day. Tomorrow was Valentines Day, so I knew there'd be no stop to the amount of abnoxious shouting and hugs and lovey things. Not that I minded, I just... yeah, fun fun.

I sipped on my coffee and flipped through a catalouge, I needed to get Matt something though, regardless. Because thanks to Zack, I now knew why they were out.

Shopping. He said Matt was getting me something, which I already knew, but... the mall just gave it all more away. There were only two places he'd go in the mall for me.

1- Bed Bath and Beyond.
2- Hot Topic.

I don't think he'd even step inside of Victoria's Secret unless they had half naked women inside on free hug day with beer and cigarettes. I laughed at the thought of him walking around in there. But then again... he did bring Jimmy with him. Fuck.

I slammed the catalouge shut, there was no time to order things. I ran to the closet and zipped up some boots over my skinny jeans. I threw on a light jacket and grabbed my purse before heading out the door. To go shop for Matt's gift. It had to be perfect, because I admit it, I was a total bitch. He didn't deserve being yelled at, he didn't at all. He was being amazing... and I needed to let him know I wasn't trying to push him away.


Thankfully I had arrived back, with my loot, before they were home. I ran upstairs to my room and hid the bags in the closet. I glanced at the time. I had spent nearly all day shopping, because you know how hard it is shopping for M. Shadows? Nearly impossible, that's how.

It was already six pm. I heard the door open downstairs and quickly shut my closet door.

"Corinne! We're home! Sneak the boys out the window!" Zack shouted, I heard a thump "Ow... jeez, no need to get violent."

I laughed and walked down the stairs to see Zack glaring at Matt "Hey, where'd you all disappear to today?" I asked.

Matt smiled nervously "Nowhere special, just errands."

I nodded "Hey, can I talk to you?" I asked and motioned to the kitchen. He nodded and followed me in.

"What's up?" He asked, leaning against the counter.

"Earlier, I was a bitch... I shouldn't have yelled at you, I was overreacting.. I'm really sorry and-"

"Cori." Matt laughed "It's ok, really. I shouldn't have pushed it. It's totally fine, we won't do Valentines Day stuff."

I gulped. Hard "What?" I asked.

"I get it, you aren't comfortable with it yet. I understand." He smiled.

I saw right through his smile but figured I'd wait until tomorrow to let him know I was on to his evil plan. I sound so stupid.

"Alright." I nodded "Thanks." I walked over and hugged him, pressing myself completely against his body "You're so understanding."

"I try, for you, Cori." He whispered.

I smiled "WHAT DO YOU BOZO'S WANT FOR DINNER?!" I backed far enough away from Matt, and shouted out the kitchen door.


"Oh god, that was awesome." Zack threw his plate into the trash. We had pizza, because... I was too damn lazy to cook, thank you very much.

"Yep ,and I didn't have to do anything." I laughed.

"But it wasn't as good as your food, Rin." Jimmy pouted "I wanted your food."

"Tomorrow night, I have something special planned." I smiled.

"EWWW! We don't need to know about your sex plans!" Brian covered his ears.

"Naw, we agreed on no Valentines Day gifts." I smiled at Matt.

"Oh... really?" Zack asked, giving Matt a worried look "Cool.."

"Well I'm beat.." I yawned "I'm gunna go to bed..." I got up and hugged Zack, since he was the only one standing "Night people."

"G'night Cori." Everyone chorused as I walked out.

I skipped up the stairs, Operationg Valentine in effect!

*Matt's POV*

"DUDE!" Zack whisper/yelled as he sat back down "No Valentines day? Then what are you gunna do with all the stuff in the car?!" He asked, looking around.

"I dunno." I shrugged "I'll give it to her. She apologized, so I don't think she's pissed at me anymore."

"But what-"

"Zack. Shut up, I got it under control. I won't be like 'here, we're gunna have sex' ok? Everything will work out perfectly." I smiled "Don't you worry. Just... ignore whatever noises you might hear."

"Like she'll bang you, Shadz." Brian rolled his eyes "She said she was going to bed."

"Yah? So?" I asked "Doesn't mean I won't sneak into her room and wake her up by kissing her tomorrow."

He laughed "I bet twenty bucks she'll drive him in the nose."

"You're on." Zack smiled "I bet she'll be down with it."

"I'm on Brian's side." Johnny smiled "Sorry dude." He shrugged to me.

I laughed "It's ok, we'll see how it works tomorrow."
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IOhhh let's see how this pans out! comments make the world a better place :)